Live Waifu Wallpaper
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This is a wallpaper app so there is no interaction, voice or dialogue for the scene. All you have are the multiple states of CG with animation and background music.
The R18 content can be disable by yourself if you don’t want to use.
This application contain all Live 2D CGs of Waifus from following product of Mature Games and Galart team:
- Hentai Crush
- Hentai Girl Division
- Adorable Crush
- Tower of Waifus 1
- Tower of Waifus 2
- Waifus Smash
- Include 60 Live 2D CGs with many variants of beautiful waifus (R18 included)
- Allow you to set CG as a dynamic wallpaper
- Allow you to set your custom video as a dynamic wallpaper
- Allow you to chose your custom mp3 and wav file as background music
Steam User 25
Simple Review
It's cheap, doesn't take much RAM in your device(lightweight). take it mind, it doesn't replace your current wallpaper, it overwrite current wallpaper so that when you close the apps, it turn back to your original wallpaper.
as for the characters, they're sexy with each character has their own SFW(bit NSFW and some are fully NSFW from the beginning) to full NSFW. moreover it allows you to upload your own live wallpaper(sound excluded but you can also upload your sound separately which you need to convert the video to mp3 or other).
absolutely recommended consider it's price!
there are few feature that I think need to add
- I would like to have the feature to play same bg music over and over(current version has the music keep repeating based on playlist available and I can't remove original bg music)
- I would like to have choice to choose custom part in a video for wallpaper instead of showing entire video.
Steam User 10
A utility game with a lot of customization and player control, Live Waifu Wallpaper allows you to customize your computer monitor(s) with both lewd Live 2D animations provided for you or video files that you can upload. You can also choose music to play from your computer if you so wish. It is a splendid program with very little wrong with it.
+ Add your own videos to play as a wallpaper (without sound) quickly
+ Add your own music and have control over it as you would in any media player
+ Simple UI, easy to navigate
+ Isn't taxing on your PC, can be kept in the background without worry
+ Game provides 60 Live 2D animations with 4 variations each if you do not have your own videos to import
- Does not explain that the game is sent to the System Tray or how to control it from there
+/- Once the game is closed, the wallpaper vanishes as well
+/- Once a wallpaper is selected, game is sent to the System Tray without warning or explanation
Live Waifu Wallpaper is a wallpaper utility program that allows you to not only choose between 60 Live 2D animated loops to have as wallpapers, but also videos and music from your computer for you to be able to customize your wallpaper experience with the game. The game is very light on computer usage, making it a fantastic background utility.
The first thing you'll notice upon launching is the auto-playing music. By default, you have 10 songs that you are able to listen through. You have full control over whether it plays, stops, loops, or shuffles, making it a neat baseline to have. As stated earlier, you can upload your own music to be played as well, allowing for an additional layer of music to have playing so long as the game is running. The music will continue to run (as long as you've told it to) so long as the program itself is still running, meaning that when the game minimizes, it will still play your music.
The Live 2D section is particularly interesting as it's the only lewd content that the game gives you at this point. Containing artwork from the developer's previous titles and collaborations, you have access to 60 Live 2D artwork that you can display, each of which typically has 4 stages to it ranging from tame to lewd to full-on sexual. This technically means that out of 60 images, there's a total of 240 varieties of stages you can select from as well, which is an awesome amount of freedom that they give you! I did notice a bug on one occasion where an animation would break and some of the body parts disappeared, but backing out and reloading the loop seemed to resolve it just fine.
Keep in mind that when you do select an animation or video to be your wallpaper, the game will minimize to the Windows System Tray in the bottom right, which can make it particularly difficult to find as it disappears from your Task Bar. Once found in the System Tray, you can click on "Settings" to return to the program, you get quick control over the music, and you can choose to quit out of the program if you need to hide your wallpaper for whatever reason.
That brings us to an interesting point: the wallpaper only runs so long as the program itself is running. This means it's not a true wallpaper, but simply a Desktop replacement app. I actually prefer what they've done here. Since the program takes up virtually no computer space, having the lewd animated wallpaper you're looking for playing can be a real inconvenience for you if someone unexpectedly enters your domain. Giving you the option to quit the program from the System Tray gives you the utilities to quickly hide what you're doing if you're scared of someone seeing your wallpaper. A very interesting utility to include!
In the videos section, I expected some hiccups. To my surprise, the program seems to just accept whatever video file you sent at it and doesn't even need load time as it seems to just read the file from your computer without storing it. This is great to me as it means I can experiment to find the right wallpaper I'm looking for among my video files. Once added, they're as simple to add as the Live 2D animations were. Do keep in mind that regardless of whether or not there is music in the video, it will not actually play the video's sound.
I think perhaps the biggest downfall of the program is that there is no option for simply an image as a wallpaper. Granted, it's so easy to set an image as a wallpaper that you likely don't need this game's help in doing so, but the functionality would have been nice since there is just so much utility there for you already. I would have also perhaps liked an explanation before minimizing about where the game is going and what the options there do, but it wasn't too difficult to find out on my own. That being said, I did end up having to quit out of the game via Steam to get back to my wallpapers the first time because I didn't understand that it went to my Tray. I think this can definitely cause some confusion for players.
Steam User 2
Fun program! It's kind of a video overlay of your current wallpaper. Awesome to be able to load a video and have that play in the background like wallpaper (minus audio from the video). As noted in other reviews it minimizes to system tray after you select the Live 2D or Video as your dynamic wallpaper. Not a big fan of the music but easy to mute in the program or by right clicking the program in the system tray. I'd prefer the music automatically set as off and then have those that want it on to activate it.
Steam User 3
Amazing, thank you.
I wish it wouldn't show up in the Alt+Tab switcher, but other than that, it's great.
Steam User 0
Ahhh, now I can set the whole LOTR Extended edition trilogy as wallpaper. Nice.
Steam User 0
You can pirate OnlyFans leaks and set them as you wallpaper set to your favorite music.
Steam User 3
Brilliant. BUT! Ultrawide is not supported... :( (PLEASE I WANT ULTRAWIDE)