Lethal League
Lethal League is a competitive projectile fighting game where you have to hit an anti-gravity ball into the face of your opponent to win. The ball speeds up with every strike, up to explosively extreme velocities. Play locally or battle it out online. Features: – Up to 4 players: Play locally AND online with up to 4 players in free-for-all, teams or strikers mode. – Online multiplayer: Invite friends for a Private Match or head into a Quick Match. – Easy to pick up, hard to master: Improve by learning how to use Smashing, Bunting, Parrying and Special Abilities to your advantage. – Street-styled characters: From the mad Candyman to the cyborg crocodile Latch, every character has their own unique play-style and abilities. – Challenge mode: Step up to the plate by yourself and beat a series of opponents arcade-style to reach the beat-blasting bossfight. – Banging beats: A Big-beat, Hip-Hop and House soundtrack featuring the likes of Grillo, Bignic, Dr. Lazer and more.
Steam User 3
Slick, groovy, fluid. I had low expectation about Lethal League, but this is one of the crispest multiplayer games I've played in the last few months.
First of all, it has style. The graphics are kind of low-res, the animations are simple, and while each character has very few voice lines and art, they are all memorable and have their own personality. The sountrack, sound effects and levels all contribute to that. They mostly play the same, but different hitboxes, specials, jump heights and shooting angles all end up differentiating the roster enough for you to pick favorites (mine being Candyman and Latch).
Now, the gameplay. It is so simple, yet requires so much skill, mastery, finesse, nuance, quick reflexes and strategic thinking to do well in this game. I lost count on how many times I fell to very easy baits from the enemy, only to deliver them the same. Or how many times I thought I was irredeemably lost to a speed ball, only to bunt or counter it straight to their faces. For such a simple system, it is so deep and provide so much fun in couch co-op sessions.
I can easily see why the devs went for a sequel - while all the basics are here and they proved they can make an incredibly fun and challenging multiplayer game, they had all the room to grow in terms of art, sound, and overall game mechanics. What's here is enough to make a good game that's fun to play for a long time, but I'm sure the sequel (which I won but haven't played yet) will be everything this one has, but more. Looking forward to it!
Steam User 3
Lethal League - While the game is fundamentally a volleyball game, it's not bad.
My only gripe with the game is where you need to boost with friends in order to get the insane achievements that the devs thought would be a good idea. Other than that, great game where you go toe to toe with friends and need to react faster and faster to the projectile being lobbed on the screen.
Steam User 1
Lethal League is amazing! The gameplay is extremely engaging, fast-paced and fluid, while also being easy to pick up and having a high skill ceiling. That combined with a cast of characters full of charm and personality, awesome visuals in general and just banger after banger in the soundtrack makes this game a must for people looking for fun couch-versus games (but it also runs perfectly online). Even though I haven't played it in a while, I don't think I'd ever refuse if a friend came up to me and asked for a match.
Basically one of the best fighting (and sports) games I've ever played.
Steam User 1
The game in question possesses exceptional quality, and it is disheartening to observe its lack of recognition and appreciation. 10/10
Steam User 1
Speedrun breaking the sound barrier, and then the light barrier with your funny baseball
Steam User 1
Goofiest "fighting" game out there to date where you can't actually directly hurt each other. I don't know that there's anything quite like it.
Steam User 0
This is one of the games with which I have had most fun when meeting with friends. It feels frantic and handles tension really well. Contols don't get in the way and it's really easy to learn at first.
If I could advise just one thing, it would be that players stick to a character when learning, so they can get into its specific patterns. This way, with some matches you can see growth and start really getting into the sauce: timing and prediction.