Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice
Hey Ladies, it’s time to get wet again! I am not done yet and still dreaming of you in Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice. I left New Lost Wages, stranded in Cancum, and had prepared to marry my only true love, Faith. But, unforeseen events interrupted us and we’ve become separated again! She is somewhere in the famous, sunny and huge Kalau’a archipelago and I have to find her. Help me — if I don’t find her soon, I think I may burst!
No obstacle will keep me away from my beloved, my Faith, not even the wild and untamed islands of Kalau’a. Those lovely island ladies can only distract me for so long as my heart’s compass only points in one direction – Faith! Care to set sail with me as a true pirate and become a real gold digger? Join my crew on this glorious quest — you may just end up soaked to the bone!
– Explore the Kalau’a archipelago with all its mysterious and beautiful islands – featuring over 50 handdrawn locations.
– Meet over 40 new and old friends from Wet Dreams Don’t Dry and chat up some fresh new feminine friends.
– Help Larry solve difficult and exciting (and maybe a little erotic) new riddles and complete quests, providing him with a truly happy ending.
Steam User 8
Leisure Suit Larry is at it again in Wet Dreams Dry Twice, where suggestive humor reigns supreme. Dive into a cheeky adventure filled with hilarious encounters and clever puzzles. It's a comedy of errors that's sure to leave you laughing, but maybe (just maybe) keep the hand sanitizer handy.
Steam User 2
Is it lewd, crass, and infantile? Yes to all three!
Is it fun to play? Most definitely! It's not going to challenge you too much, although some of the puzzles were a little random.
Steam User 1
It starts out real bad. This must be the most obnoxious tutorial I've ever seen in an adventuregame. Why they thought it would be good to include this in a *sequel* is honestly beyond me. The same goes for the labyrinths later in the game, Who thought this was a good idea? Where can I get what they're smoking?
After the tutorial from hell, it basically resumes where the first game ended. The plot is good enough for a LSL game, the graphics are charming, and the jokes are mostly funny. If you liked Wet dreams don't dry you will definitely like this as well.
As a sidenote, it runs really well on Linux. Go valve!
Steam User 0
This was a good sequel to Wet Dreams Don't Dry. It was buggier than the WDDD, as it closed multiple times, but it still opened where I left (thank god), and the dialogue didn't always match/play correctly. The actual game-play wasn't as "structured" as I hoped. I never knew if I was tasking in the right order and that made everything confusing and complicated. But I thought this one did really well with involving actual puzzles instead of only combining things. I really liked the new apps to, the "book-keeper" one definitely helped keep track of everything well. And I thought the builder app was smart, and it was nice to interact with Pi directly. Spoiler: Killing Pi and Yanmei was so rude :'). I did like the pixel pop-in better in this game than WDDD, I could actually make out the objects ;''). Overall I did enjoy both of the Wet Dreams games. I loved all the characters, they were all rounded and characterized well. Definitely recommend to those that like sexy point and click games! I also got it on sale for less that $2 so that was a plus :')
Steam User 0
Here we are again with our good friend Larry in his next adventure. More juvenile fun in a new location with a few familiar faces. Had a lot of fun playing this and laughed quite a few times as well. Puzzles are the same as before: Make stuff fit with things it doesn't belong with and just keep clicking and eventually you will solve it. There were a few very cool puzzles though and was entertaining as always.
Steam User 0
7/10 Game. Some of the puzzles are a little difficult but not insane. It is more or less a Larryish type game but PG-13. The game doesn't take itself too seriously. The comedy is corny but it suits the game. I had no issues on steam in terms of crashing. Game ran pretty smooth with no bugs.
Steam User 0
If you liked the first rebooted game, you'll like this one too. If you haven't played the first one, go and play that one first. That should be all you need to say about it really. Its just more of the same, and if you enjoyed that the first time around you're going to enjoy it the second time around.