A rescue team is called out to investigate a distress signal coming from a ship identified as the MTS Endurance – a ship known to have disappeared 4 years ago on a voyage across the Atlantic. The rescue operation goes awry, and you are left stranded and alone on the derelict ship. Searching below deck you find no sign of life. The crew appears to have just vanished; replaced with eerie stone statues, but perhaps you’re not as alone as you first thought. Explore the derelict ship to uncover what happened 4 years ago and what fate befell the crew.
Lazaret is a first-person horror game with light puzzle elements and an emphasis on atmosphere. You play as a lone member of a rescue crew who must complete puzzles and explore the derelict ship while trying to avoid meeting the same fate as the missing crew. Danger lurks around every corner – you must run or hide to stay alive as you learn more about the ship and what caused its mysterious disappearance 4 years ago.
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玩法只有解密,恐怖程度不高,有个别jump scare,更多还是依托于强大的氛围感塑造。诸如零碎文件所描述的怪异传染病,和你玩木头人不许动的雕像等。很容易让人代入搜救员视角,想要去对船上出现的未知谜团一探究竟。
联想到去年同期游玩的St. Dinfna Hotel,那款特色是战斗出众,涵盖一定资源管理,但解密编排却杂乱无章。而本作与之相比,解密思路相当清晰,关卡设计独具匠心,完全不存在卡关的情况。在没用太多引导的前提下,将路线规划得如此井井有条,可以说是非常惊人了。这种“有迹可循”的能力即便放进大作里也是罕见的,如生化4重制指明可互动的黄色油漆,就在前不久引发过破坏沉浸感的争议。今后作品若能再加入战斗、生存等元素增添可玩性,必然潜力无限。
Steam User 0
从试玩版就开始关注了 游戏质量不错 就是地图太绕了 很难找路
恐怖氛围和画质都还不错!!! 价格合理!
Steam User 1
Steam User 1
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但是如果是恐怖游戏 就不要玩了 因为完全不恐怖