Ladykiller in a Bind
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My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind!! or, Ladykiller in a Bind
Forced to pretend to be her twin brother on a cruise ship full of his classmates and enemies, the Beast finds herself thrown into a game of complex social manipulation, as well as literal bondage. Can you win enough of their votes to get back the Beast’s motorcycle? Will you get locked up in cargo for doing too unconvincing an impression of the Beast’s brother? Or will you just spend the whole time brazenly getting the Beast’s pussy wet?
An erotic visual novel by the creators of Analogue: A Hate Story about social manipulation, crossdressing, and girls tying up other girls.
- Two main romance routes… but don’t let that stop you from making out with everyone else.
- Six nights worth of explicit, consensual, kinky lesbian sex… or live dangerously with four extra sex scenes with your brother’s classmates who just want to fuck you up.
- Unique conversation system—instead of hanging off your every word, dialogue options appear as they occur to you and disappear as they become irrelevant to the conversation.
- Dynamic soundtrack by Isaac Schankler.
- Balance gathering votes to win favour with mitigating suspicion. The shy Stalker will help hack votes if you spend the night with her, but the sadistic Beauty will take care of your suspicion… for a price.
- Fully uncensored, but does include an optional “safe for work” Christmas sweater mode.
Steam User 2
Ladykiller in a Bind is an interesting visual novel, and a good introduction to BDSM erotica. Its plot is on-the-nose, it has few characters I could relate to, yet I was hooked by the kinky comedic writing and the originality of its mechanics. Here are some of the highlights.
Dialogue options appear progressively throughout a scene, as if the protagonist was coming up with witty comebacks mid-conversation. You get to choose when to butt in, which makes dialogue between three or more characters feel much more natural. The game is also kind enough to tell you when staying silent will unlock further options or attract suspicion.
Options are also prefixed with their tone (Diplomatic, Ruthless, Flirty, etc.), preventing the far too common problem in games like Mass Effect, The Witcher, or Baldur's Gate 3, where you select a tame line only for the character to say something overtly flirtatious or extremely racist. Ladykiller in a Bind goes out of its way to convey exactly what each choice will do mechanically and narratively.
In this game, you play as a girl pretending to be her twin brother. Acting too out of character for him will attract suspicion, and if your suspicion maxes out, the game's over. On the flip side, being especially nice to certain characters can earn your some favours, or votes for the popularity contest you're all taking a part in. The game clearly identifies which options will earn you votes and suspicion, or unlock/abandon a character's route, so it's up to you to decide if you just want to work your way into someone's bed, do anything to win the competition, or just stay out of trouble.
These mechanics tie into the game's exploration of BDSM during some erotic scenes. At night, you can let a certain someone do whatever she wants with you to lower your suspicion, and you can take advantage of a certain someone else to earn more votes. This gives a certain transactional aspect to all the sexual encounters in this game, and exploring how that makes you feel is the whole point of the game.
That said, this game's visuals don't get much steamier than what you see in the trailer. The art is only there to assist the immersion. If you're used to explicit smut made to provide cheap thrills and appeal to the male gaze, you might want to adjust your expectations. Here, it's all about the foreplay, the roleplay, and the aftercare.
PS: I haven't played this game recently, but I figured I ought to write a review for it since it has been sitting in my favourites for a while.
Steam User 1
Ladykiller in a Bind has a lot going for it. It’s got some really interesting characters, a great setting, and an interesting story. It loses a lot of the momentum as it goes though. It is a game that takes place over the course of seven days and it makes you choose how to spend your time on the ship which means on a single play through I not only have to spend time with some characters that I didn’t care about but also couldn’t spend as much time with those I did. For instance my two favourite characters were the Photographer and The Swimmer but you have to choose between them early on so right off the bat I can’t spend time with both of my favourites. I also am forced to spend time with The Hacker or The Beauty each day. I didn’t mind either of them but I enjoyed my time with The Bro and The Lieutenant more. The game does have a lot of customization to it which is nice. You can choose custom nicknames for pretty much every character. You can choose to skip lewd scenes. There was one choice that still wasn’t much of a choice though. There is one borderline non consensual sex scene that you can skip but it still happens because the dialogue afterwards still implies it took place, you just didn’t have to watch it. I would have preferred that skipping it means it takes it out of the plot. The sex scenes in any case are mostly dialogue as there is little but still images on screen and even then many just involve sensual touching or acts rather than full blown sex. Basically if one were to play the game mainly for the lewd scenes they will come away disappointed. Even if you don’t come just for those you still may. By the end I had many questions about just what the overall goal of The Brother was and what role certain people played. They just randomly did things with little to no explanation and then take random potshots at capitalism. The visuals had a pretty good style and the music was decent. The menu system was pretty unique as many Ren’Py games end up with really similar menu systems where Ladykiller went for their own style.
I played Ladykiller on Linux. It had a weird issue where it froze on my three times. If I left it there for about twenty to thirty seconds it would unfreeze on it’s own. This was really strange because I have played hundreds of visual novels over the years and I can’t remember any of them freezing on me, the genre is usually pretty bug free. The game has a manual save system with no save game limit I could tell but you can’t save at any point however it is almost any point. One of the biggest technical drawbacks to the game was the lack of a back button for the text. Basically as the dialogue progresses and you get to make a choice that isn’t the only choice you get. If you let the dialogue keep going without choosing you can sometimes get additional choices but other times you lose the ability to make some or all choices. I really disliked this system. I would have preferred we get to see all choices at once. This way I clearly see what my options and and don’t lose out on any dialogue. This system is especially annoying combined with the lack of a back button I mentioned earlier.
Game Engine: Ren’Py
Disk Space Used: 654 MB
Game Version Played: Build 786
CPU Usage: 5-12 %
System RAM Usage: 4.2-5.7 GB
I would say that Ladykiller in a Bind ended up as a good game. It started off great but sadly a combination of technical issues and choices with the weird twists to the story hampered it. The other issue would be it’s current price. It retails for $25.99 plus tax CAD which is pretty high for a visual novel. I finished my first play through in five hours and fifteen minutes. I’d say that the price range of $10-15 would have been better. The length seemed fine as what the game needed wasn’t more content but a more cohesive story and better freedom with what characters you spent time with.
My Score: 7.5/10
My System:
Intel i5-12600K | 32GB DDR4-3200 CL16 | Intel UHD 770 | Mesa 23.0.4 | Western Digital Black SN850X 2TB | Trisquel 11.0.1 | Mate 1.26.0 | Kernel 6.9.5-gnu
Steam User 4
Yeah, yeah ... sexy, queer, kinky masterpiece and everything, but can we talk about the dialogue interface?
This is one of the most interesting innovations I have seen in the RPG genre for a while. The ability for dialogue options to appear and disappear as the conversation flows is a little thing, but it makes the conversation feel much more natural than the stilted turn-taking of most RPG dialogue. It provides an interesting choice between interrupting to say something versus letting the other person continue to speak, knowing you might miss your opportunity to say something pithy. A very clever piece of design. I wish more designers would follow this example.
Steam User 3
3+ hours of a butch lesbian in progressively gaudier and gaudier three piece suits
Steam User 0
This is one of the best games I've ever played. The characters are all likeable in their own ways and their designs are fantastic. The writing had me laughing my ass off and I was invested in both the story and its characters. Full of nerdy references that made me squeal and I think I even had more fun on the second time around.
Steam User 0
I liked this game a lot. I played this through it four times because I wanted to try different play styles/ choices.
This game draws you into it's quirky story telling and makes tough choices fun.
Steam User 0
Holy shit this visual novel is good. Like, really good. The entire piece is brimming with truly sensual queerness and some amazing introduction to bdsm/sexual power dynamics. I cannot express how much I love it all.
This the single best part of this game is the way it actively shows what key components of good safe sex, and particularly the nessesary parts of kinky and BDSM sex are. Both you and some of the more mature characters make clear the importance of things like making sure there is true consent and that participating parties are enthusiasticly enjoying themselves. To be fair, there is shit that does not follow this but it is also obvious that those actions would be fucked up in real life and that fiction is a safer space to explore them. And for all of that and more, I really fucking love this game.
That said, there is a need to know what you are signing up for. There are parts that could definitly activate tramua tho they kind of fits the theme of it all. Just, its fiction and is exploring dynamics that are interesting and can be so good but may be some of the most fucked up shit ever if it were real.
Remember that you can always always go into the settings and turn on the option that makes a lil button appear in the upper corner to skip any sex scene.
And lastly, you have the power. You can always always close the game.
(Originally written at 8 hours into the game. Now at 17 hours this game has caused me to cry sevral times. Take that as you will)