Kinda Knirpsi

  • Kinda Knirpsi Screenshot 1
  • Kinda Knirpsi Screenshot 2
  • Kinda Knirpsi Screenshot 3
  • Kinda Knirpsi Screenshot 4
  • Kinda Knirpsi Screenshot 5

Take on the role of Knirpsi the turtle and face a variety of enemies. Experience retro cartoon-style shooter action and hand-drawn boss battles. You will die. Many Times.

A new boss fight every few months:

Each dimension features a unique boss with its own attack patterns and ways to make your life miserable.

At the game’s release, you’ll be able to fight four different enemies and set your high score. A new boss is added every few months. What kind of boss it is, can be decided by the community.

Who is Knirpsi actually:

“Kinda Knirpsi” is based on the protagonist of the YouTube animation series “Knirpsi”. In this series, the little turtle travels to different dimmensions and fights his way through the universe. Thus, “Kinda Knirpsi” is also my first ever created video game, which is to expand the world of Knirpsi.

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