KARDS – The WWII Card Game
KARDS, The World War II Card Game, combines traditional CCG gameplay with innovative mechanics inspired by classic strategy games and real battlefield tactics. Take command and challenge other players in grand-scale warfare on the ground, air, or seas. KARDS is completely free to play with all features available from the start. You can earn all cards through regular gameplay, daily missions and an extensive achievement system. KARDS blends familiar trading card gameplay that make it easy to learn and are combined with innovative mechanics that provide strategic depth and tactical diversity. The innovative frontline mechanics allows you to better protect your support assets and take the battle to your enemy. Rush your enemies with Blitzkrieg tactics, gain air superiority or dig in for bitter defensive warfare until you outproduce and outgun your enemies.
Steam User 6
7.5/10 Overall
- Lots of card variety and strategy
- Balanced game play
- Great animation and music
- Takes too long to get new cards making the game more pay to win instead of real strategy at mid to high levels. I will probably stop playing the game because of this.
- Matchmaking takes too long (15 seconds)
- Matchmaking sometimes isn't very balanced. Matchmaking should be matchmaking based on deck power.
Steam User 22
I've had more fun reading the historical background of each card than actually playing the game.
Steam User 5
Such an underrated game, possibly the best of its kind.
Most unfortunate name, though. "kards" is just awful for so many reasons and definitely a big reason why this game is not played by more people.
Steam User 4
This is a cool game to play, it was good for committing war crimes with no consequences.
Steam User 4
The atmosphere for this game is awesome. Usually, I turn off the music in game...but, dang!! "It's good tunes. The sound design as a whole is top notch. I like card games with the sauce. Keep the sauce flowing. Nice work.
Steam User 3
A good game play mechanism, and the artwork for the cards is super.
Steam User 3
Fun game, I like the draft mode the best. If you want to climb the ladder it may take a while as the game is not perfectly balanced and some of the rarer cards do feel overpowered at times.