Just Cause 4
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Welcome to Solis, a huge South American world home of conflict, oppression and extreme weather conditions. Just Cause 4 sees rogue hero Rico Rodriguez land in Solis to hunt down the truth about his past, at any costs. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder.
Steam User 0
Just Cause 4 is an improvement over JC3 in many areas - the graphics are much better, the jet pack is more fun to play with, vehicle controls are better as well, but all of that does not matter, because somewhere among those all improvements one thing went missing - the fun factor, which somehow evaporated into oblivion.
The conquest of the island is now depending on highlighting the regions on the map and having 'squads' numbers - as in, smash things to get squads, and then click on the area and puff - done - area conquered. Boring, especially that on top of that you have the battles happening on the borders, which as far as i know are there just to exist - take part or not - it doesn't matter for unlocking the region.
Because of the above, smashing enemy bases again feels superficial. In JC3 you had to 'defeat' the base to conquer it, here just fly above, cause some chaos and fly away, because once you will conquer the region all the bases will be yours anyway.
Steam User 0
zajebiste najlepsza gra z całej serii no jedynie just cause 2 no ale to wiadomo , polecam
Steam User 0
A bit buggy, worse than the third part, but it's still quite an enjoyable game
Steam User 0
Let's be serious. Game is not that bad as people claim. It does have some performance issues, often falling from stabe 150fps to 20fps if there are too many explosions on the screen... however it's still playable. It sometimes freezes, sometimes it crashes. Physics is getting out of hand ... To be frank, it's nothing new to me after playing previous parts. :) Nevertheless it's still enjoyabe - at least "reloaded" version (I assume it's remastered and initial version was crap?). Still, solid 5/7.
Steam User 0
Dobra gra jak Gita i Far Cry spoko się w nią gra. Zawsze coś się dzieje moża do wszystkiego wsiadać polecam
Steam User 0
dad left me since i bough the game. he never came back :(
if you love your dad, don't buy the game. if you hate your dad, i recommend the game
Steam User 1
Gdybym miał ocenić grę po samej fabule, to byłaby ch uy owa, ale nie o to w niej chodzi.
Więcej radości dawała mi tu zabawa z tornadem, sianie zniszczenia, czy przyczepianie różnych rzeczy linkami do siebie. Z czego mamy linkę z dopalaczem, balonem i wciągarkę. Jeśli ktoś realnie nastawia się tylko na fabułę to z pewnością się rozczaruje.