Jump Force
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The most famous Manga heroes are thrown into a whole new battleground: our world. Uniting to fight the most dangerous threat, the Jump Force will bear the fate of the entire humankind. Create your own avatar and jump into an original Story Mode to fight alongside the most powerful Manga heroes from DRAGON BALL Z, ONE PIECE, NARUTO, BLEACH, HUNTER X HUNTER, YU-GI-OH!, YU YU HAKUSHO, SAINT SEIYA and many others. Or head to the Online Lobby to challenge other players and discover lots of modes and activities. Jump Force is a 1-v-1 fighting game where the player controls a team of three characters from a selection of various manga series featured in the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. Players control one character at a time while the others are used as support, with players able to switch between them during battle.
Steam User 0
mega fajna gierka grałem bardzo dawno w nią ale jak teraz zauważyłem to nie da sie jej juz kupic i grac online szoda
Steam User 0
kupilem to gxowno za jakies 300 zł a pozniej mozgi wylaczyly online gdy bylo za pozno by oddac xdd
Steam User 0
Szkoda że już się nie da kupić , bo gra była świetna