Jacob The Farmer
Jacob The Farmer – is a story about a farmer who died from being hit by his cow. But this is clinical death and he can return. Help Jacob navigate through evil demons and seething lava to return to his farm! The game has excellent graphics, a frightening atmosphere and a lot of fun !!!
In a dark third-person action and adventure game, you have to fight demons and even the devil! Jacob lives a peaceful life on his farm and knows no grief. Collecting carrots, milking his cow. But at some point, the cow goes crazy. Jacob was killed by your own cow and you have to go straight to hell to fight there with the devils and his friends. Defeat all these impudent people with a sword swing to meet the devil. Defeat them all so Jacob can return to the farm. Also, do not forget that you will need to make a huge path through the lava. Be careful not to fall there, or you will die! Help Jacob get back to his daily routine so he can enjoy life again.
Steam User 3
Id like to preface this by saying that my name is Jacob, and I am a farmer, so if you dare question my expertise in this subject I will have your neck on a guillotine by sundown.
This game, is possibly the worst bullshit I have experience in my entire life. I have a question to the people who made this game. Is my life a joke to you?? Seriously. Because when playing this I dont think I experienced a modicum of payoff or pleasure. In fact, I felt quite the opposite. I think I giggled once at the cow knocking me over into hell. And then immediately got slammed into the pits of hell literally and metaphorically. Another question for the devs, why the hell would you make a platformer with these mechanics? Why have it be entirely momentum based and take away control from me, the main character of the game? Its like as my feet leave the ground, I write my soul off into a deal of fate, praying that the gods of this world will bring me salvation, that is, if there even are any.
I battle, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, in this stupid, putrid, mockery of a video game. My sword is a futile rod of wretched agony, that does minuscule damage to anyone who goes against it. Am I meant to feel empowered? Enlightened? Or is this another one of your disgusting tactics to appropriate my livelyhood. I take on this sisyphean task because surely it will get better right? Maybe after the fourth shitty wipeout-esque obstacle course will there be a little bit of entertainment. But no. I am left begging, screaming in the pits of fire I am hurled into time and time again.
You teach me nothing, I am abandoned in this realm where I must fend for myself or lose my remaining sanity. In most games I would encourage this. Mayhaps, even praise this, for inspiring the player to figure things out on my own, to give them their own sense of freedom. But I don't feel freedom. I feel pain. I am lost in a nest akin to a bird whos mother died in a horrible thunderstorm, I am left questioning, struggling, dying, as I slam my fragile body into the ground, in hopes to fly. It wasnt even until 30 minutes later when I learned I had to make my own checkpoints. A fourth question, who the fuck, makes a game like this, is this an emulator from a ps1 tech demo? I think it must be, some kind of sick joke to you isn't it. Well I am not laughing worm. I am filled with fury, a burning sensation that will not cease until I reach the final destination out of this hellscape. Horrible hitboxes, disgusting textures, god awful controls, is there any good piece of this fecal pie? I think not, no. Now I know not. Now that I have experienced what this "game" has to offer I wonder why god put me on this earth? Was it truly to end up here? Playing your pitiful project? If that is truly the case, then I would have rather been sent to hell in real life. I would pay double, nay triple the price, just to be unaware of this games existence.
As I jump, crawl, inch towards the portal, in the final gauntlet of hell. The stone pillars that the fallen angel himself created, I scream, slam, gnaw at the bars of my prison. But even still, maybe I think, maybe I see a glimmer in the distance, a single, shining ray of hope After all, I still have the ending to reach, my wonderful pasture that you couldn't even get right, since I farm corn instead of carrots, but I digress. My cow is waiting for me. My home. My field. Once I beat this devil, once I beat this game, I can achieve true bliss, the payoff I have been fighting for. But no... at the end of it all, there is this slender, revolting figure, towering over me. Instead of a bossfight worth my time. He slams his fists down erratically, as if you didnt even try to make this worth anyones time. One hit, is all it takes for him to rotate 90 degrees robotically due to it being babies first unreal engine animation. And just like that I awake, as if none of it ever happened, and another pisspoor, reused animation plays out, of me and my cow, which I cant even milk. It all happens so fast, and even faster, are my controls taken away, as the words "THE END" take up half of my screen and the game is closed. I am left in this dark room, emotionless, a husk of a man, a lesser version of what I once was.
So I have to ask one final question. Was that the point? Was this entire game some bohemian experiment? Meant to replicate the suffering we will face at the end of our time? I wonder whats left for me after its all said and done. After I take my last breath is this what awaits me? Is this our fate? Have my sins truly outweighed my good deeds? I know this, if I truly will be condemned to hell I will meet you down there with me.
I despise you, everything you stand for sickens me to my core. Once you and I meet in those flaming pits of damnation, I will be there to facilitate your suffering.
Steam User 0
-Good story👍
-Souls like 👍
-Graphics 👍
-Parkour 👍
- Cow👍
- Demons 👍
- Performance 👍
- Family Friendly 👍
- Farming Simulator 👍
--> in conclusion. Jacob the Farmer is not a game as many would think. Is a lifestyle. From its extraordinary beginning to its Legendary ending, This creation of art is second to none. I believe all Humans should try this magnificent adventure.
Steam User 0
GOTY 20/10 100/10, es una maravilla videojugabilistica, sudé con las mecánicas, lloré, reí, me enamoré con la historia y celebré con el final, definitivamente este es uno de los juegos que he jugado
Steam User 0
this is the most fucking irritating game but i liked it the pyshics are shit and fighting u need to get used to it to know how to play either way try it it aint that bad
Steam User 0
before Jacob the farmer I was a nobody nothing changed
Steam User 0
Super polished well made game its a must buy
Steam User 0
dis game good