Hope For Winter
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Key Features:
Discover: Thorn Mountain Pines has many areas and collectibles to discover.
Learn More About the Forest:The forest is full of berries to eat, but do you know which ones you can eat and which you can’t?
Sightseeing animals: If you are lucky you can see the wildlife and maybe even befriend some of the animals.
Solve The Mystery of The Forest: Many years ago a meteorite landed in the great Thorn Mountain Pines and everything changed there after that. Now it’s your destiny to discover what exactly happened.
Northern mystery awaits… Do you have the courage to witness the land spirits (Landvættir) who live in the forest? And find out the truth by fixing the balance of nature?
Collect everything: There are many things to collect on your journey. Either it’s berries or notes from your Grandmother. Get your collection greed on!
Area: Thorn Mountain Pines has beautiful waterfalls, snowy pine forests, icy lakes, and dark caves to explore.
Lionel decides to go back to his grandparent’s cabin and husky safari in the beautiful Thorn Mountain Pines Forest with his dog Ida.
After the big snowstorm, Lionel has to fix the damage which the snowstorm caused and clear the area from fallen trees.
The biggest mystery Lionel confronts on his journey is that he never knew what happened to her grandmother.
He starts to discover the mystery by traveling through the Thorn Mountain Pines while learning new things about the forest’s life.
In the end, Lionel realizes there still might be Hope For Winter.
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