Homefront: The Revolution
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Philadelphia – once the birthplace of Independence – has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force. Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished. But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.
Steam User 98
Pro gaming tips on getting the most out of your Homefront: The Revolution experience:
1. Buy at a steep discount
2. Download Timesplitters 2 Redux
3. Run Timesplitters 2 Redux installer IMPORTANT: Make sure "Remove Homefront Game Files" is checked
4. Install Timesplitters 2 Redux
5. Game on
Steam User 22
You don't need to play through this terribly mid game in order to play the Timesplitters 2 port, you can just download and install the HFTSRedux/TS2Redux mod which fixes the port and adds saving functionality. On top of that there is an option in the mod to uninstall as much of Homefront: The Revolution as possible whilst still being able to play Timesplitters 2
Steam User 30
Not as bad as people say. At times the writing can be weak, and mechanically it's like a stripped down version of Far Cry. But the gunplay and player movement are solid. Enemy AI is servicable, and the story does have it's strong points. It does have a minimalist "crafting" system, which I personally like, but it's not complex enough where it takes you out of the action and bogs you down in some attempt at a crafting minigame, but does allow basic upgrades to weapons and player abilities, which is a nice touch.
If I may go a little off track... as someone who has a friend or two in the game journalism world, allegedly lot of the early reviews on this were from "certain" reviews with "certain" political biases were calling this the worst shooter ever made because they had a problem with the player killing authoritarian communists. Or they may have received money from groups tied to a "certain" country (not North Korea). Ultimately speculation, but i've seen some interesting info.
Anyway, the game itself is fine. Could have been much better if it had a bigger budget. Like a said, a poor man's far cry. 3.5/5 If it's under $10, give it a shot,
Steam User 20
This game includes a full port of the 2002 game "Timesplitters 2" remastered in 4k. The full content can be unlocked by downloading the Timesplitters 2 Redux installer (a mod for the game) from the project's GitHub, which will allow you to immediately access all of Timesplitters 2 and party like it's 2002 all over again.
I bought the game simply for this. I haven't actually played Homefront: The Revolution, I bought the game specifically to recapture nostalgia from more than a dozen years ago which still holds up today.
Thank you, Free Radical, for making this happen.
Steam User 11
This game is very much a diamond in the rough, full of unrealized potential. There are a lot of things this game did right and a lot it could have done better.
Its semi-open world environments are well made, offering more vertical mobility and alternate routes than most similar games. Stealth halfway works but is undermined by the low number of hostile NPCs and how they give up when the player enters a safe house. Coop multiplayer is well designed, but the lack of DLC maps means it can get tiring faster than it should and the most difficult setting can be soloed by a player with moderate experience. The three NPC leader characters feel like cliche archetypes pulled from another game with an idiot plot, but they don't have much impact on gameplay. Story-wise the underlying plot is good, but the way it plays out in the narrative doesn't always make sense and sometimes feels rushed. Liberating a zone is pretty simple since there is no push-back from the KPA, but the basic ideas behind the process are solid.
Combat is a mixed bag as well. Enemy variety is good, but as noted earlier it would be better if there were more of them. KPA outposts in particular are drastically under-manned. I really like the GTK system and the weapon-swapping mechanics are interesting, but some of the configurations are under-powered. Once the SMG is acquired there is no real incentive to use either other pistol mod, and the Freedom launcher is.......different. There are a lot of other things I could say about how it could be better, but this post would be to long of a read.
Overall the game is fair-to-good, but could be so much better. I'd consider buying a copy for a friend when it goes on sale. The full price at the time I am writing this is about $20, a decent price if you are looking for something different but less so if you are looking for something amazing.
Steam User 24
Crazy how this PC Port of Timesplitters 2 has so much bloatware, thankfully i can get rid of that and just play the game.
Steam User 10
Considering i got this for £4 on humble. my expectations were low.
It's just a bit sad to me it's essentially a far cry clone.
if you can buy on a large discount like me i'd say it's worth the money. but at full price. probably not.
I wish steam had a mixed option for reviews.