Helena The 3rd
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Helena The 3rd is a unique spin on the classic metroidvania style of game. While piloting a jumping tank, switch between 2D, 3D, and First Person perspectives as you search for upgrades for your combat vehicle. Blast your way through a series of interconnected, non-linear worlds, each with its own theme.
Some areas won’t be accessible by tank, and you’ll need to exit the safety of your vehicle in order to acquire the abilities needed to progress through the game. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some retro inspired gameplay!
Steam User 13
¡I played this game for about 35 minutes and i have to say i enjoyed it quite a lot, so i'll make a honest review of it!
Basically, it is a very good TRIBUTE to Blaster Master using a lot of it's design choices and taking some alternate routes to modernize and make the game more accesible for new generations, the developer has made it clear that it is a tribute, and a pretty good one, i have to say.
Graphics: The graphics are not bad, but they could use some polish, especially in the textures department. I understand the game goes for a retro inspired look, but even Blaster Master had gorgeous graphics for it's time, perhaps the developer could try to mimic these textures, that would be appreciated in future updates.
Music: I didn't find the music to be bad, not good either, it is not the strongest aspect of the game, but i haven't found a song that became tiresome... It could be a lot more memorable though (Like the original game's soundtrack)
Gameplay: The part i liked the most is the gameplay, and what a shame it is that a lot of people could put down this game solely based on the reviews i've read. Guys, sincerely i had fun, it is an enjoyable experience, the platforming is entertaining (especially after you get some of the upgrades) and the changes in gameplay style (the game offers a sidescrolling and 3d tank view, and the same for the human driving it.) are a welcome breath of fresh air. I never encountered a part where the gameplay was a bother (some jumps are harder than others, but i saw that in Blaster Master too!).
What i liked:
+ Mantains the retro style gameplay, the challenge, the feeling of loneliness and the mystery of the original game.
+ Expands on these concepts with new ideas, 3d enviroments and responsive controls
+ The developer put the Hover ability (a very useful one that you used to get in the final half of the game) almost at the start, which for me is a big plus, because i love it and it makes the game a lot more enjoyable.
What i DIDN'T like:
- The textures are not appealing, the enviroments look a little bit dull.
. A minor complain: The enemies have no animations, they just jump/shoot at you (I think this was a choice made to mimic the original enemies in Blaster Master, but i think that it looks a little bit... awkward and overly simple.
- The music (which was a BIG part of Blaster Master) is not memorable at all, sorry, but it could use a big overhaul.
- I would have loved to play at a higher resolution, or remap the keys, which at the current version, is not possible.
- I loved the story of Blaster Master, i think the story could be a stronger part of this game too.
- The bosses of the original game where amazing, in Helena the 3rd, i couldn't find any boss fight at all, and i think that's one of the achilles heels of the game. It was very dissapointing to be honest.
I didn't fell through the floor, maybe it was pure luck, i've read reviews of people that had this issue, so i hope it is promptly fixed. BUT i did found a game-breaking glitch... The hover ability is bugged, absolutely broken. I won't say how, because that would RUIN the experience for other players. I found a way to refill the hover everytime i pressed a button, so PLEASE, PLEASE fix that! I could get to places i shouldn't have because of this issue, and in a Metroidvania game this is fatal! (If the developer wants more information about this, feel free to contact me, i will give all the details about this bug)
Overall, for 5 bucks (i got this game even cheaper in an indiegala bundle so check that out!) the game is awesome for the price, i loved it and would like to see updates to it, i consider myself a fan of the original Blaster Master, and this game almost hits the notes, so keep up the good work guys!
Steam User 2
This one has me thinking quite hard about recommending or not. But in the end, I'm actually comfortable giving it a "Yes" with caveats, warnings, and explanations about why I reccomended it and whether it's for -YOU-.
Everything in this game screams "School Final Project". The graphics are subpar, the audio is bare, and everything from collision boxes to the camera are done by bare-bones implementations that lack basic features that most professional developers know how to avoid.
So why do I feel so comfortable recommending this?
Because, truth is, if I'd seen this work from a set of new grad I'd absolutely hire them. This game is a great example of the level of skill that a successful student would have at graduation. I've played many student games and this is one of the most ambitious projects that I've seen well executed.
The source of inspiration is obvious and it's a mixed bag of results. The gameplay works just fine and it has a very good variety of gameplay types (Tank, On-Foot Exterior, Side Scrolling, First Person Interior), The enemies work in a classical sense, the level exploration is enjoyable even if I'd prefer a little more guidance to pure metroidvania.
But the level design does have some real problems (Expected, again, if you go into this as a student project)
The first repeating issue is that many rooms require you to "Climb" whether narrow logs or platforms directly above that you need to arc around to land on top. They jumps themselves is an enjoyable challenges that I'd expect from a retro game, but they tend to last too long. Instead of doing one or two challenging jumps, I'm climbing a tower of 10 and annoyance sets in before I reach the top. High walls are nice, but not at the expense of boring climbs.
The second painful issue that pops up in the second level is blind jumps. It's full of jumps off large towers onto spiky fields without any warning. If your timing is even slightly off your hover fuel runs out (Or of course you crash into the spikes) and die. This continues with long sections of hovering between spikes grabbing fuel tanks because the precision is too tight for a second stage of play. I'm not done with this game yet, but if anything breaks me... this would be in.
At the end of the day, I'm more than satisfied with paying for this 99 cent project.
I enjoyed Blaster Master, Blaster Master: Blasting Again and this game hit enough of the beats that I'm enjoying it too. If you go in with the right expectations, it's well worth playing.
(If by some chance this was actually made by a russian flip farm project made up of experienced developers I take back everything nice I said)
Steam User 16
I bought this because I was a fan of the old NES game Blaster Master and this looked like a new version of that.
From what I can tell I personally think it was worth my 5 dollars.
You get 3 gameplay styles; the side scroller inside the tank, a FPS style inside the tank, and a FPS shooter as a human outside of the tank.
I didn't get far enough to see if there was any use for the human mode in the 2d side scroller, so that might come in later.
The controls were easy for me. I used the gamepad which used one joystick for moving, one for aiming, one trigger for jumping, and one trigger for shooting.
The depth perception in the 3D mode while jumping is a little tricky since you sometimes need to jump up or down and the camera didn't help much with that, so sometimes it was just a jump and hope you land in the right spot.
The A.I. enemies are very basic, they run straight for you and if they touch you it hurts. The first enemies can only jump, but some enemies can shoot soon after.
Overall, I enjoyed the 30 minutes or so I played to test the game out, and I plan to play more in the future to see all the cool upgrades the tank gets, and different guns the human gets.
For my money, I'd give this game a 8/10 for price and enjoyment.
Steam User 0
If you ever was a kid?..
Ever loved Master Blaster or at least some of it's exciting gameplay features?
Still got that kid in you?
You gonna love this game. :)
The game feels not finished since there are some empty textures (weapon), camera glitches, and poor animations. Saving progress system is tough. Every loading is going to take you to where the level starts. But I think that the lowest price category is a "let go" to all those flaws.
I guess that's it. Other than that this game is just.. pleasurely awesome. Shooter, platformer, driving. 2D and 3D for each.
Game gives you challenge (hover gas fly), it gives you spooks (flying heads). But also, that cool feeling of mastering it.
I'm already like couple of days in, and I'm just at level 3. :D
You can find some secrets and glitches to help you through. Just like back in a day' games! B)
It is a simple game. But it is just as interesting and entertaining.
One of the best games of it's price. You get much more than you pay for. %)))
Maybe it's just me. Maybe. But I'd say it's just that kid in me. :)
Peace. And thanks for the emotions.
Steam User 11
at work and bought it ...play a quick round .....as i said above blaster master, one of the games i loved as a kid on NES.<so what its a copy ...so what if it may not be up to NERD lvl perfect...its FUN!
As far as the remapping of gamepad which drives me fucking bannaballs when i see pepole cry about remapping<trust me all the games on my account i use pinicale or Xpadder and it works fine>...hell even the one they selling now for 3 bucks lol
the game is cheap you get what you pay for people are to freaking picky....come on 5 bucks thats x2 redbulls that you drink and piss out and are gone.
Steam User 3
If you're suicidal, then this game is the game for you!
It takes humanity, and turns it into this....thing.
Who even is Helena?
Who was Helena the original and 2nd?
F.UCK! this game
Steam User 0
This was a great game for a dollar.