Grip on Reality

  • Grip on Reality Screenshot 1
  • Grip on Reality Screenshot 3
  • Grip on Reality Screenshot 5

What is this game about?

You follow the adventures of the crazy wizard who casts spells and ruins lives. The wizards spells do not work as desired as they tend to be rather chaotic and unpredictable. The wizard finds himself embarking on a long quest across the world to uncover the mysterious cult worshipping a crystal, the same crystal powering the wizards staff.


Hundreds of items

Randomly generated levels

Boss fights

Shops/Treasure rooms

Plentiful NPCs to interact with

Cats (obviously)

A wide assortment of magic to change gameplay

Character skins to choose how you want to look

Randomly generated wands to wield and cast magic

Tons of secrets

Secret language puzzles

Catalogue the world and your findings in the almanac

“Possession Mode” to allow friends to play with you

Much, much more…

Possession Mode

Our take on multiplayer. Instead of controlling another wizard, your friends can use the keyboard or plug in a controller to take command of the worlds NPCs with mostly full control. With such a wide variety of enemies and friendly NPCs there is always some way to help or hinder your wizard friend.

Chaotic Spells

That’s right, your spells have unpredictable effects. Chosen at random from a very long list of possibilities. Sheer chance can turn a dire situation into a triumphant victory, or bring even the most powerful wizard to their knees. There can be control over said effects to some extent using an assortment of collected items, however don’t count on your attacks always hurting your enemies.

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