Grimshade tells the story of the company of heroes, by a twist of fate involved in the cycle of events unfolding in the world of Ree'fah. Numerous dreadful monsters infested the forest around the city of Brann and high walls could no longer protect residents from the attacks. The menacing army of the neighbouring kingdom suddenly landed on the outskirts of the city, wreaking havoc. There is no hope for salvation — the strength of the defenders is running low, but the King and his loyal Champions had vanished. Series of sudden events and odd coincidences force people to act. Get acquainted with each of the heroes and unite them — entirely different, sometimes bizarre and frightening, with their motives, but one purpose for all — to find out the real causes of what happened to them.
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A role-playing game in which the war of war is a battle. The story is very colorful, telling a group of humble people becoming heroes for their own wishes. In the game, the king and his followers abandoned the city where the protagonist is located—a city threatened by a large number of monsters that suddenly appeared. Each character has its own story. In the game, you can feel that each character is a unique and vivid character, not just a templated warrior.
The gameplay uses a turn-based warfare fighting style. When compared to other RPG, this game has a wonderful innovation, which is the innovation of the training mode. In this game, it is no longer the original pure character growth system - each character has its own occupation and skill tree, and acquires skill points to learn skills through upgrade, but adopts a new equipment skill system. - Different equipment will come with different skills and effects, this design makes the game more unexpected and strategic. You will be excited for the new equipment you find, and you will find unexpectedly powerful skills. At the same time, you also need to skillfully match these equipments to defeat the enemy.
However, due to the rush of the game, there are many problems in the game. Not only are there certain bugs (of course, you can see that the production team is working hard to fix these bugs), and there are design problems - the game's battle process is too much trouble. In this game, there are a considerable number of defense mechanisms. Although it brings a certain degree of tacticality to a certain extent, it also means that the offensive and defensive matchup is very cumbersome, and it takes a very long time for the player to defeat the opponent. In the game, the number of battles you need to complete is not too small. Each battle is not only time-consuming, but the battle process is relatively similar, it is easy to kill the patience of the player.
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