Grave Danger
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Dante, Malice, and Elliot have all been cast as outlaws, and it's up to you to help them clear their names. In a world that wants you both Dead AND Alive, there's no rest for the living and or unliving. Switch between these three unique characters, mastering their movements and attacks, and guiding them further into the story. Teamwork is essential in Grave Danger. Each character must pull their weight and traverse the world to safety. Dante the cowboy is capable of climbing vertical walls. Malice the reaper can float horizontally across chasms and through narrow and dangerous areas. Elliot the wizard has magical elevation and can jump again once mid-air.
Steam User 6
Wunderbar für eine Gruppe von 3 Freunden, die gerne zusammenarbeiten, um ans Ziel zu kommen.
Jeder der Charaktere hat seine Schwächen und Stärken. Gegner und Hindernisse stellen sich in den Weg.
+ Grafik
+ perfekt für einen Controller
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