Grand Ages: Medieval
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Grand Ages: Medieval is a real-time strategy game. Lead your people and advance through the decades by utilizing construction, research, expansion and conquest. Rise from the role of a simple mayor governing a small settlement and rule over all of Europe. Experience an exciting campaign, play by your own rules in free play or test your skills in multiplayer against up to 8 players!
fosiho 3
Grand Age : Medieval is a bit repetitive and requires a lot of micro management in the long run like most of good RTS nowadays. It's awesome features of economic that needs knowledge about supply and demand, a unique military style unit system, and organically town development characteristics when being zoomed in is one of a kind. Although, it's a bit boring at the mid and end game of the campaign, because lack of more things to do. A good overhaul update may bring this game into top. For example they could add a seasonal weather that affects resources output and prices, trade wagon speed, and positive and negative events.
Steam User 0
怎么没有简体中文了?买的时候,还能中文进入呢. 现在想重玩一下,找不到中文设置了。