Godsbane Idle
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Godsbane Idle is a fresh idle take on games such as path of exile. It combines the hunt for powerful loot with idle systems to guarantee your progress even if time is short that day. It tries to stray away from linear paths and offers multiple ways to customize your equipment, skills and even more.
- Frequent updates introducing new mechanics.
- Equip the rarest items, artifacts and uniques to elevate your potential and efficiency to the highest levels.
- Alter items and optimize your equipment even further by unveiling and crafting powerful effects.
- A multitude of upgrade paths and a gigantic skilltree with more than 700 nodes to become the incarnation of destruction.
- Use your destructive potential to challenge the mighty seraphim, rulers of ages past.
- Unfolding features and paradigm shifts offering new ways to progress.
- A very active dev that takes the community feedback to heart.
- Premium Currency that can be passively obtained at a fair pace.
Steam User 0
sehr schönes Game,grad eben auch das neue Feature gesehn was mir richtig gut gefällt,allerdings wäre es besser gewesen wenn man dafür ne neue ressource bekommen hätte,klar man hat Energy zwar neu,aber halt wie die Energie erzeugt wird ist halt schon bestandene Ressource und davon hat man einiges;)
Steam User 0
Das Spiel hat meiner Meinung nach viel Potential, es gibt aber noch einige Ecken und Kanten auszubessern. Aber auf jeden Fall ein Idle Game dem man eine Chance geben kann.
Steam User 0
So far, this is a good attempt to be like NGU Idle, which is one hell of a Monster in the Idle Genre. Its not a ripoff, does have some similarities but what doesnt have them in the end. Rather make a good copy of a working system then create a bad one yourself!
It quite slow, which is normal for a real Idle game, since you are not supposed to be done within Minutes / hours. Idle Games are meant to be played for wekks / months / years.
I dont get the "its riddled with micro transactions" bla bla bla, like more inventory space etc. Just play the Game. Yes you can buy eternals, but you also earn them by just playing the game. If you want to speed up progress and support the Dev, buy eternals, otherwise just play the game.
Again, idle games are not meant to bet done in mere hours.
Steam User 0
Gutes Spiel, schön das es endlich auch auf Steam ist
Steam User 1
nice mighty micheal sucks
Steam User 0
confused but but ehm yes
Steam User 1