Gem Forge
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An addictive puzzle game where you need to move and merge gems of the same type. The game is similar to the games like Threes! and 2048, except there is no numbers here, but gemstones.
How to play: move the gems by pressing left, right, up or down. When two gems of the same type touch, they merge into new one gem of higher grade. Join the gems and get to the most precious gem and earn maximum score!
- glossy gems of different grades: amethyst, emerald, ruby, and brilliant
- two game modes: 4×4 and 8×8
- beautiful soundtrack
Steam User 2
这应该算是消消乐的一种吧,相同的2个宝石碰一起变成一个新的宝石然后无线合成推进玩下去,那就叫他宝石消消乐?没记错以前在4399上玩过同类型的,相比三消我更喜欢这种,顺便玩的时候还会打出宝箱,点开后会掉落小玩野,库喜+1~ 。无聊的时候休闲娱乐下玩玩还是很不错的,反正也不贵~