Friday the 13th: The Game
Friday the 13th: The Game is a third-person horror, survival game where players take on the role of a teen counselor, or for the first time ever, Jason Voorhees. You and six other unlucky souls will do everything possible to escape and survive while the most well-known killer in the world tracks you down and brutally slaughters you. Friday the 13th: The Game will strive to give every single player the tools to survive, escape or even try to take down the man who cannot be killed. Each and every gameplay session will give you an entirely new chance to prove if you have what it takes not only to survive, but to best the most prolific killer in cinema history, a slasher with more kills than any of his rivals! Meanwhile, Jason will be given an array of abilities to track, hunt and kill his prey. Stalk from the shadows, scare your targets and kill them when the time is right in as brutal a fashion as you can imagine.
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就算以现在的眼光来看 依然是一款相当优秀的游戏
跟朋友玩很杀时间而且上头 不用在意输赢 享受这个过程-玩游戏 不是游戏玩你
现在22块钱就可以入 挺可惜的 马上关服了 网上也没有很多这个游戏的攻略 都只能一点一点摸索
挺可惜现在才玩到 嗯....只能说是时代的遗孀了 很难再有这么好的游戏了
实际上 只需要细分优化一下游戏的细节
更多游戏提示 更明了的战斗模式
杰森更多技能 人类的主动技能
FDT13Remaster 定价35.99$
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steam User 1
游戏机制非常好玩 就是团队人类卡bug恶心人
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