Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare
Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare is set in a chaos filled world occupied by battling factions, bandits and warlords who seek to rule the world. The game is about your career as a faction leader: Start with minimal assets, you need to make money, build an army, wage wars against other factions and eliminate your rival forces with thoughtful strategies and fine marksmanship and eventually conquer the world. The game provides a completely different shooter experience which strikes a balance between intense first-person action and general strategy. The game's innovative combat system blends tactical FPS with real-time strategy, allowing you to command an army, plan for tactics in the God view, while immersing in the intense firefight as a foot soldier, in the first person perspective. Start your career with almost nothing, you must make money, recruit soldiers, loot villages, fight bandits, attack territories and dominate the world. The game is a combination of challenging action and a wider strategic theater.
Steam User 35
I bought this game during it's initial release about 6 years ago. At some point, the original devs hired new people who screwed up their vision, and made the game just not enjoyable. They rolled it back to a stable release that was more in line with their goals, and hunkered down to work on it. For the first time in a year and a half in march, 2024, they released a progress update. I don't know if it's real, or it was just an update to try to get more purchases. The game itself is fun, it's basically Mount and blade with guns. Many of the recent reviews are negative, and I'm assuming it's because people are thinking it's dead and feel they have been scammed.
The game is fun, and I do recommend it to anyone who enjoys the mount and blade style sandbox games.
Steam User 18
Been around since initial release and I come back occasionally. The game is fun, challenging, and its Mount and Blade with guns. I feel like I can really get invested in every playthrough. Many people are saying the game was abandoned but I still hold out hope. The original developers hired a bunch of people to try to grow the game bigger and mismanagement, working on too many other projects at once, brought the developers down. After downsizing and realigning development, work started progressing again. The developers are Ukrainian so I feel like the war has really hampered the development. It must be hard living and working under constant threat of getting drafted, getting bombed, hit by missiles, etc. I believe once this war finally ends, we will see more updates coming.
Steam User 16
The Devs come back every 5 months and say hi. its slow but it aint full price so im not like the droves of sheep that jump ship just cause the one man team didnt make a triple a level game in a week XD
Steam User 4
I really like it. It's basically FPS mount and blade. I think there's balancing issues. It's very hard to play at the start. I get disarmed alot when I lose to bandits due to running out of ammo. Otherwise once you get momentum and you're hiring Militia and soldiers and getting vehicles and guns and taking cities it becomes super fun. It's just starting out that's rough. If the devs can contend to making early game a bit easier. I think making bandits primarily use melee weapons with a few wielding rifles would be good. It would make sense since they aren't a formal faction (last I checked. This may had changed).
Otherwise once you get past the beginning, you'll have a blast conquering the map with your soldiers.
Steam User 7
I am recommending because I sincerely want to see this game as the developers say they intended in their last progress update. I'm another person who bought the game when it came out like 6 years ago or whatever, and I had a blast. I hadn't heard of the Mount and Blade series yet so this was totally new to me, and I adored the mechanics of the game like custom outfitting units and the battlemaps. Time went on and nothing changed, and I placed this game in my "abandonware" folder in my library. BUT they've sworn to continue progress on this game, and I very sincerely want them to have a reason to work on it. There's still a fan of what the game could be out here!
Steam User 0
As you can see I put my time into this game. Personally, I enjoy it in its current state. I enjoy outfitting my troops, I enjoy the RP elements, and I am cautiously optimistic that the devs are making an effort to remaster the game.
If you manage your expectations, the game is definitely fun. A modern twist on Mount and Blade. If you are expecting a AAA masterpiece with thousands of options, in depth story and character progression, and no jank, this is not the game for you.
Steam User 1
Buggy and confusing but enjoyable. Advanced in a simple way like mount and blade. It'll be the modern version of M&B someday.