Fire Rescue Squad
Fire Rescue Squad. In an action game, a simulator from the first-person perspective, the player participates in firefighting actions, divided into several missions.
Fire has been a terror for centuries. Realistic, deadly, awe-inspiring – can you tame it? The key to completing missions will not be time but tactics. It’s not enough to pour water everywhere in the hope of extinguishing the fire. The fire will spread over time, but to complete the mission, Tactics will be the key.
Extinguishing a burning store in the center of town in the middle of the night. Before the firefighters manage to break through the bars and burglar-proof blinds, the fire will get to the back room, and there will be an explosion of illegally stored materials. The firefighting operation will have to start by securing the back room.
Imagine a burning apartment on the 4th floor. You are rescuing the occupants: using a ladder truck or an inflatable cushion. Extinguishing the burning apartment from the fire truck’s ladder in front of the building will put out the fire but will not complete the mission until the firefighters have checked if the fire has entered the shafts with pipes and electrical cables. There the fire can smolder for some time and can spread to another floor. Therefore, a thorough inspection of the shafts and extinguishing with handheld fire extinguishers will complete the mission.
Too much water is used to extinguish a facility that floods the power distribution panel in the basement of this building. A massive electrical short occurs, knocking out power to the entire neighborhood. The outrage of the residents and the city government does not bring glory by cutting financial support, thus allocating additional equipment necessary for the next mission.
To add gravitas, we would like to get a consultant from the Fire School to present the realities of the profession, with individual missions mirroring actual firefighting operations that, for some reason, were very difficult even for experienced firefighters. Perhaps the consultation will be at no cost when the School decides that our game can be an exciting addition to education and even become a mandatory trainer.
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