A musical action-adventure set in the recesses of the human mind… Welcome to the world of Figment. A strange and surreal world a place filled with our deepest thoughts, urges and memories, populated by the many voices we hear in our heads. This mind has been quiet and calm for many years. But something has changed. New thoughts have started to emerge – taking the shape of nightmarish creatures who spread fear wherever they go. The only hope is for the grumpy Dusty, the mind's former voice of courage, to get back to his old self and help the mind to face its fears. Join Dusty and his ever-optimistic friend, Piper, on an adventure through the different sides of the mind, solving puzzles to set things straight, beating back the nightmares and seeking to restore the courage that's been lost.
Steam User 72
Dusty Guardian of your Brain, Pipe your Conscience to never give up (surely not close to the Target), Relict the Major & Poet, a lot Doors with People or vanished Houses, 3 unique Nightbare Bosses, special Graphic Style + fitting Sound & 16 Memories to find = perfect Combo
+++ doable 100 % Steam Achievements
++ nice Indie Story (16 Memories + Happy End)
++ interesting Unity Graphics but could have more Details & Objects you can break / interact with
+ 7 Trading Cards (5 would be perfect, 6 super,7 good)
+ good Riddles Main Game & 16 optional Memories
- short & a few Backtracking if u missing to take Batteries or Metal Plates with you for the 16 Memories
Good for Achievement Hunters, Casual Puzzle Fans, Card & Games Collectors
Steam User 13
This game offers a beautiful visual experience, featuring fairy tale-like storytelling and a blend of surreal musical elements. However, the gameplay feels simple, repetitive, and monotonous, almost as if it were designed solely for children. Despite these positive aspects, the overall quality is lacking. While the visuals, graphics, and art style are attractive, other elements are disappointing. Overall, it's not bad, but it's also difficult to fully recommend. If I could leave a mixed review, somewhere between positive and negative, I would.
Steam User 10
The game speaks in rhymes, so I’ll review it in kind.
As a completionist, I found the game a thrill,
Unraveling the world with patience and skill.
The puzzles are clever, the story runs deep,
A journey worth taking, with secrets to keep.
The music enchants, adding to the play,
And the puzzles will challenge your mind every day.
Steam User 10
At first glance, Figment may resemble Bastion with its world divided into islands, an isometric shot and a face made up in pastel colors, but the content is somewhat different. Figment is more of a platformer with a strong emphasis on spatial puzzles and simple, easy-to-control combat.
In the role of Dusty the squirrel-lemur, your goal is nothing more mundane than to reclaim your photo album so that you can revel in your own specialness while looking through it while sipping a hearty ice-cold Martini. In fact, the dust has long since blown away. Of course, the story eventually twists in another direction to result in a rather disarming and reasonably satisfying climax.
But maybe they were just paying off all their imagination when creating the local fantasy world. Hopefully it won't be too much of a spoiler if I suggest that the whole story takes place in someone's head. Each of the locations is thus a representation of a certain sphere of the human mind, such as the area of short-term memory, sense of music, fears or technical prowess. With this setting, the authors have ensured that whatever their imagination allows, they can slap into their game with a clear conscience.
Enemies are then logically recruited from the morning of various ideas and phobias, so the obligatory arachnids or tentacles as dissected from a Cthulhu story must not be missing. The artwork is truly a feast for the eyes and abounds in playful details, so in the technical part you trip over hundreds of flashing lights, levers and squeezes and rotating gears, and the musical levels consist of the most variously twisted musical instruments. 20%
Steam User 4
It's tough to generally recommend Figment since it's a very unique and original game that cannot be compared to other games easily. It's basically a top down action-adventure that could be compared to TUNIC, but completely lacks the difficulty and complexity of the puzzles and battles. Instead it's filled with charm, love, music, characters and story.
The game opens up with a car accident and everything afterwards plays out in the brain of a person. You have to visit all kind of different areas of the brain, fight monsters that took control and progress to the next area by fixing simple puzzles.
Each area is beautifully and artistically designed. The voices and lines in the game are among the best I've heard in a video game. Everything is well designed and fits together perfectly. Especially towards the end, the "bad guy", the environment, the story and the dialogue go perfectly together.
Figment is recommended if you are enjoying a beautiful, short trip through an isometric action-adventure that relies on art and charm more than on gameplay or challenge. Although there is nothing wrong with the gameplay, it's remains simplistic throughout. I had a good time with the game and will also get the successor Figment 2.
Steam User 7
Something bad is happening in the mind! Heavy thoughts full of darkness cloud the world and from them emerge three fearsome nightmarish creatures. Their presence leaves the mind in a state of chaos and it slowly crumbles away! The only hope for the mind world is its former courageous protector Dusty! But his most famous days are long over and he now wishes only for a good iced drink. But not always can we have what we desire and instead, we have to go and face the most unpleasant things in our lives… like Dusty and his joyful friend Piper!
In the surreal world of Figment we will explore the recesses of the human mind via The Cerebrum City which serves as the center for our adventures. Through there we can access Freedom Isles, Clockwork Town and finally The Pathway. Our goal is to defeat the Nightmare at each location and free the mind from its fearsome presence. The path isn't easy though as the Nightmares are doing all they can to hinder our progress and pollute the mind the best way they can. Dusty needs to sharpen his fighting skills as their dark minions make regular surprise attacks against us. But not only the enemies are slowing us down. To be able to progress we need to find panels for repairing elevators and colored batteries for operating switches or windmills. Like this, we will be running back and forth quite a lot.
The fighting is rather simple - we have a normal or strong attack that needs to be charged first. Enemy attacks are best avoided by rolling away. If you don't get surrounded by a larger group of stronger enemies the fights shouldn't prove too hard. There is no penalty upon dying and the checkpoints are luckily frequent. After defeating the enemies we are rewarded with gray balls that raise our maximum health bar. Green balls that are often growing around are used for healing. Different cases are the boss battles. The Nightmares can't be hurt by our attacks. Instead, we need to turn their attacks against them with the help of our surroundings. It doesn't take long to realize what to do to defeat them, but the fights are still rather challenging.
The game is also full of puzzles - pushing boxes, memorizing and then recreating patterns, replaying melodies… nothing too hard and they are fun to solve.
The hand-drawn graphics are very pretty. Each world is different from colorful and lively to gloomy and dangerous. The music is also very good. It accompanies us at our every step as most of the things around us play some music - like trumpet trees or guitar grass! The Nightmares love to sing and boss battles are accompanied by a song. Here comes my complaint - I am unable to concentrate on fighting, avoiding enemy attacks and listening to the song lyrics - moreover to be able to read them! Like this, I can't properly enjoy it. The voice acting is heartfelt and funny, but I have found Dusty to be lacking sadly.
There is no quick travel and if you missed a collectible memory or some puzzle-related achievement you have to navigate through the locations yet again. It's fine that you can get back freely but the backtracking is horribly slow like this, luckily the game isn't long so it doesn't turn into frustration. The overall mood is cheerful with hints of serious themes. I liked that, but the story didn't in truth touch me much. Most of the time I had a feeling of playing Bastion combined with Dust: An Elysian Tail, which isn't per se a bad thing as those belong among my favorite games. In terms of design and gameplay, I have enjoyed it and can safely recommend it.
Steam User 7
Journey to destroy nightmares
Figment is an adventure game with logical elements, in which we play the role of Dusty, who together with his friend Piper embarks on a journey to destroy nightmares. Despite the terrors we meet on our own way, the game contains a lot of humorous elements, and the conversations between the two characters are interesting and positive.
Gameplay mainly consists of solving logic puzzles, as well as fighting various enemies and eventually bosses. Starting with the puzzles, they are mostly simple and fun to solve. They do not cause too much difficulty and are logically explained. Although, after solving a few puzzles, you may notice that the next ones don't vary that much, which can get monotonous in the long run.
Combat is mainly based on dodging. These are such typical dodges, where our character rolls in a given direction. In addition, we have a regular attack and a stronger attack, which we have to charge for a while, but for that it deals more damage. Regarding combat, it is worth mentioning life, which we can renew with trees with life balls. On top of that, we can upgrade our health bar during gameplay.
Graphically, it's great. I like such graphics, which are more cartoonish and drawn, they add variety to the atmosphere of the game and fit perfectly into the game world and the storyline. The same is true of the sound design. The dialogues between the main characters are interesting and entertaining. The music is okay although it is a little lacking to the dialogues or graphics.
Figment is a really good game, for any type of player. It is certainly an addictive game with a simple gameplay, so rather no one should have a problem finishing this title. In the long run, however, repetitive puzzles and so-so combat can get boring. However, everything tries to make up for the atmosphere, storyline and audiovisual setting.
✔️Simple but logical puzzles
✔️Audiovisual design
✔️All around boss fights
✔️❌The fight is okay, but it is nothing special
❌As I mentioned the puzzles are simple and logical, but that makes them repetitive and monotonous
Rating: 6.5/10