Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
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You’ve just unearthed the classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game that revitalized the entire CRPG genre. The Fallout® SPECIAL system allows drastically different types of characters, meaningful decisions and development that puts you in complete control. Explore the devastated ruins of a golden age civilization. Talk, sneak or fight your way past mutants, gangsters and robotic adversaries. Make the right decisions or you could end up as another fallen hero in the wastelands…
Steam User 130
An important tip for character creation:
Picking "Gifted" as a trait is basically required. It gives +1 to all SPECIAL stats but will reduce all your skills a little. It's 100% worth it.
Steam User 111
The first fallout game is a genuine classic, a masterclass of the rpg genre that even it's sequels couldn't top, a game that perfectly balances dark humour with a disturbing story.
Fallout is in my opinion the ultimate fallout experience and manages to capture what makes the series special, it's the most tonally consistent and doesn't throw nuka-cola in your face constantly. Factions are simple and have simple but relatable goals and the story doesn’t go overboard with it's plot.
You are a vault dweller sent out to find a water chip for your vault as the current one is damaged and if you do not get the chip the vault will die, you are sent into the wasteland and what unfolds is a great adventure filled with twists and turns.
If you're familiar with the bethesda games you may be surprised that this is an isometric crpg, it looks great and has so many options for combat and dialogue, many situations have multiple outcomes and there are plenty of side quests to keep you playing.
My only complaint comes with this games age, it's not a hard game but it has plenty of old school jank that can be a turn off, even with mods this has some issues. My companion Ian wouldn't move out of the way of door and I'd not saved for hours meaning either reload or say goodbye to Ian. Inventory management isn't great and if you play the vanilla version then good luck pixel hunting items in the environment.
However if you can overcome these issues you will be treated by one of the best fallout games in the series, I may have started with fallout 3 but I've stuck around for fallout 1 as it may be my favourite in the franchise. Dark, depressing but sometimes humours, fallout 1 has earned its place in the crpg Hall of fame, just make sure to aim for the eyes.
Steam User 446
I have 21,3 hours and most of that time was spent on the rats at the beginning. War never changes
Steam User 37
Originally, I started out writing a very passionate essay on why this game is so good, while I procrastinated writing an essay for my history class. But after writing it, I realized it sounded a little pretentious and not really necessary. So here's my updated version: Game good, game fun. You buy game.
Steam User 45
I finished it for the first time yesterday, and this was my introduction to the 90's CRPG's. I'm really late to the party and really don't know how it compares to the rest of them.
But somehow I think I couldn’t have made a better choice. It’s short and sweet and actually quite easy to pick up past the initial shock, while having that play how you want RPG goodness in spades.
Now I want to try an idiot build.
Steam User 48
I played using the fallout1in2 mod, which ports the first game to the second games engine. It's a fairly ideal way to play the game.
I then played again with the default version that comes on steam, also not bad but some major QoL missing.
Either way, it's a great a game, that while somewhat dated, creates a world that is a real joy to live in and explore.
A Nightdive style remaster would make this a 10/10 for me, so keep your fingers crossed.
Steam User 25
Fallout 1 is great. It just has a feel that none of the other games manage to replicate. There’s nothing quite like it.
Although unfortunately you might need to install some patches since there are some annoying bugs (unusable inventory, broken quests, etc.). I personally recommend installing the TeamX Patches and nothing else.