Fallout 4
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As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
fosiho 1
I adore this game because it's a masterpiece. It's absolutely immersive. The modding community makes it an incredible experience. The game makes you feel like you're literally making something of nothing. It really is good at making you feel like it's really after a global thermonuclear war event. It's a hopeless, toxic, mutated world and you're stuck in it.
Steam User 329
is still my most played game ever and is always a new adventure to loose myself in at 67 years old it keeps my mind active and always trying to anticipate whats next. Highly recommend whole series but 4 will always be my vice to escape real world problems and stressors!
Steam User 120
“War never changes… but modders do.”
Fallout 4 in 2025 is like a well-worn leather jacket—maybe a little tattered, but still comfy as hell. If you’re jumping in for the first time (or returning for the hundredth), here’s what to expect:
✅ The Good:
Gunplay still holds up. Shooting things feels great, especially in power armor.
Settlement building is addictive. One second, you’re looting a toaster; next, you’ve built New Vegas 2.
The Commonwealth is still fun to explore. Boston’s wasteland has some solid quests and weird characters.
Modding scene is thriving. If it doesn’t exist, the Nexus has probably made it.
❌ The Not-So-Good:
Story? What story? "Where’s my son?" Oh right, I got distracted for 50 hours.
Dialogue system is still a crime. Yes, No, Sarcasm, and More Info (which is actually Yes).
Bethesda jank. Bugs aren’t just a feature—they’re a tradition.
🎮 Final Verdict: If you’re here in 2025, you’re either a Fallout veteran, a modding addict, or someone who just picked this up on sale. Either way, slap on some mods and enjoy the ride. War never changes—but your load order sure will.
⭐ OVERALL: 9/10 (With Mods) | 7/10 (Vanilla) ⭐
Steam User 138
>Download game
>install hundreds of mods at once without testing them
>I'm actually super smart
>Blindly run LOOT and hope to High Todd Heaven it doesn't crash
>It boots up
>Play for hours and hours
>One day randomly CTDs, corrupts the save files, and refuses to boot again.
>Scream, Cry, Throw Up
10/10 would Bethesda again.
Steam User 70
I have a relationship with this game I can only describe as toxic. I was a teenager in the prime of my Bethesda fanboy period when it was announced, and it was probably the most I'd ever been hyped for a game, before and since. I am not a hater of Bethesda's Fallout, even as a fan of the classics and New Vegas being one of my favorite games ever. But my feelings on Fallout 4 are extremely complicated.
When it's good, it's REALLY good. Like the world design. I love exploring the Commonwealth, there's so many cool little details to find, tons of unmarked buildings with whole interior cells that you could miss even on repeat visits to an area, and since junk actually has a purpose in this game, there's way more stuff to get excited for when clearing an area. Also, even though it gets clowned on a lot as of late, I do genuinely enjoy the environmental storytelling Bethesda does. Plus you can call in Vertibird rides for a more immersive fast travel, it's all so cool.
Speaking of cool, the modular weapons and armor? Super cool. I know it's pretty divisive, but I do like the idea of building your weapons and armor up over time. Power Armor actually having a major effect on gameplay rather than just being the de facto "strongest armor" is a change for the better in my opinion.
Settlement building is where my thoughts start becoming more insane, bear with me here. In theory, building up a cool base and managing a network of allied settlements is the coolest thing ever added to a Bethesda game, bar none. I'm the type of guy who loved, LOVED Hearthfire in Skyrim, and the type of guy who loves living out the fantasy of actually having an affect on the world, so it's right up my alley, right? Well, yes, but there's several complications. For one, there's just too many bad settlements. Like, most of them suck unless you're hardcore dedicated to spending hours fixing em up. And because all these areas are designed to be player-built, it means there's almost zero established towns to actually explore. If they had drastically cut down on settlement locations, focusing on quality of buildable areas, and had more actual towns with unique characters and quests (potentially as part of a more story-driven Minutemen questline), I believe the feature would have been better received overall.
Continuing from my point above, the shafting of the Minutemen is by far the thing about this game that drives me up a wall the most. In theory, the Minutemen are the perfect moral player faction: a ragtag group of civilians united under the promise of mutual support for the benefit of everyone. The idea of being able to build a faction from nothing, growing your influence by doing quests and helping people, to being able to rival the Institute and/or the Brotherhood, that rules. Hell, that's basically what the entire structure of New Vegas's back half is. In execution it's just radiant quest after radiant quest, only being story relevant if you fail another faction's questline. Like I started saying in the settlement section, if the game had a bit more focus on the towns outside of the context of settlement building, there'd have been way more opportunity for an actual Minutemen questline, though I could probably spend hours and hours theorizing and planning this hypothetical improved questline, and ultimately it's just not relevant to this review.
As for the other main factions, and the main quest as a whole, I share a lot of the common complaints people have, though I find myself a lot less harsh overall. The Brotherhood being the same chapter as Fallout 3's after reverting to the more detached, for-the-greater-good militaristic ways of the original is a cool way of tying classic and modern incarnations together. The designers obviously loved em, too, as the entire selling point of the faction is how cool all their setpieces are. The Railroad and Institute, having been teased in Fallout 3 as well, both bring interesting stuff to the table, and have enough going for them that you could easily get attached regardless of playstyle. Unfortunately, this is part of the problem. By following the main questline, you're given a good amount of exposure to all three, getting attached to the characters, seeing how their group's views on the main dilemma aren't always so clear-cut or universal, etc. Unfortunately, the game cuts itself short before any kind of nuanced stance or option for a less violent resolution can be explored, and you're forced to pick a side and start mass-murdering the other factions. The perfect example of this is the quest Blind Betrayal, where the outcome could allow for a drastic upset in the Brotherhood against their leadership, but instead the game wants to rush itself to the endgame. It just feels undercooked, and I could probably spend hours and hours complaining about it, but that's for another time.
Far Harbor feels like it was made with the last two paragraphs's complaints in mind. While the story is fairly short, even by DLC standards, it has it all. Establishing influence over time by helping a town? Check. Lots of nuance in its central conflict, with the opportunity to affect how things play out because of it? Check. A highly sympathetic antivillain? Check. Not to mention the fact that the entire DLC's story gives secondary main character status to Nick Valentine, one of the best characters in the entire franchise, fight me. And it's not like the peaceful ending is even necessarily a "Let's hold hands and forget all our troubles" kinda thing, it looks you dead in the eyes and says "Are you willing to commit an undeniably evil act for the greater good?", which I LOVE. There's a reason why everyone gasses it up.
The less I say about Nuka-World, the better. To be totally fair, I was already starting to get burnt out on Fallout 4 as a whole by the time I got to it, but man I just did not enjoy it. I know people had been complaining you couldn't be super evil in the base game, but making the main questline for this only be raider-aligned, with the only "good guy" path involving killing most of the named NPCs in the DLC, was pretty lame. Woulda been a perfect opportunity for say, I dunno, a Minutemen questline for good-aligned characters, but I digress. It sucks, because a Fallout expansion taking place in a Hersheypark/Disney type location is such a strong concept, but every different area just amounts to "Wipe out this reskin of a base-game enemy type and maybe talk to one singular named NPC, maybe." (not to slander Cito, we love Cito).
Before I close out, I should address the elephant in the room: the voiced main character. Do I think it dramatically reduced the amount of dialogue options and likely affected the story overall? Yes, definitely. Do I prefer New Vegas's player dialogue? Absolutely. Do I hate the voiced MC? Not at all. It's honestly a shame Brian Delaney hasn't had many other major roles, outside of being in like every Minions movie, because I ADORE his performance. No disrespect to Courtenay Taylor, she also does a good job as the female MC, but I played the male so his I'm more attached to.
Despite the thousand plus words I spent complaining, I really do enjoy this game, and think it's an improvement over Fallout 3. Sure, the version of this game that exists in my head is a million times better, but as an old man of 24, I've learned to accept that daydreaming ways a game could be improved doesn't do much good unless you start a YouTube channel, and I'm too lazy for that. I'll probably keep playing it well into the future, no matter how mad I get. Like I said at the beginning, my relationship with Fallout 4 is toxic at best.
Steam User 229
What kind of cruel joke is it that the day you start a modded playthrough Bethesda decides to roll out a 14gb update that basically destroys all of your mods.
War.. War never changes..
Steam User 73
Fallout 4 is one of those games that I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into—and it’s not just because of the action or the gripping storyline, though those are definitely a big part of the fun. What truly makes this game special is the freedom to escape into its world in so many different ways. Sometimes, I find myself stepping away from the chaos and simply losing hours in the quiet moments.
There’s something incredibly soothing about spending a day in a random shack, far from the action, tinkering with a gas tank launcher I found by chance. Or spending countless hours building my own settlements, shaping a world that feels uniquely mine. These moments of solitude and creativity are what really make Fallout 4 stand out to me—they allow you to exist in its world, not just fight through it.
The modding community is another huge factor. The mods breathe new life into the game, adding fresh content and enhancing the experience in ways that keep it feeling new every time I return. It’s one of the reasons why Fallout 4 never really gets old.
My little brother and I share a love for this game, and we’ve spent hours exploring, building, and living in its post-apocalyptic world. Fallout 4 isn’t just a game; it’s an experience that lets you carve your own path and lose yourself in its world, one that’s as alive as you choose to make it.
Steam User 47
Great Game by any standard. NOTE Must get the Nexus mod Load Accelerator because the load times for walking through doors or fast traveling will lengthen as you play. I was up to 5 minutes per load screen. But with Load Accelerator the load times are in seconds vs minutes without. Easy to install and is quite stable.