Falling Down XR
Новый атракцион Дикий запад
Ты — опытный охотник за головами, твой последний квест привёл тебя в Невезухо Таун — мрачное место, где собираются самые отъявленные преступники и закон бессилен.
Этот город известен как убежище для беглецов и отчаянных головорезов, они не собираются сдаваться в руки правосудия без боя.
Похоже, пришло время проверить, чей револьвер быстрее, только самый быстрый и хладнокровный выйдет победителем.
Покажи, что даже в сердце Дикого Запада, среди беззакония и хаоса, всё ещё есть место для правосудия.
Об игреДобро пожаловать в мир Falling Down XR – захватывающей коллекции игр разных жанров для виртуальной реальности.
Платформер, ваша задача, прыгая с одной летящей вверх платформы на другую, как можно быстрее опуститься на самый низ, где нужно нажать кнопку остановки игры, что бы зафиксировать своё время и стать самым ловким игроком.
На первый взгляд это может показаться легко и даже немножко скучно, но помните, что мы находимся в виртуальной реальности, а значит, все ваши затаённые страхи высоты и скорости просто рвутся наружу. Почувствуйте настоящее удовольствие от проносящихся мимо вас платформ, свиста ветра и упоение красотой мира с высоты птичьего полёта.
Для этого типа игры мы приготовили для вас три разных мира:
- – Кубик сити и его разрушительный торнадо.
- – Дата центр, цифровой мир, навеянный великолепной Матрицей.
- – Космическое приключение, Защищайте свой корабль от нападения пиратов.
Вторая игра, Вертикальный лабиринт. Медитативное приключение, ваша задача пройти лабиринт, да здесь вы тоже будете испытывать страх высоты и полумрака, злой колдун заточил вас на вершине башни и каждое мгновение забирает каплю вашей жизни, пройди лабиринт, не сорвавшись вниз.
Победи силой разума и получи в награду свободу!
Каждый новый запуск генерируется уникальный лабиринт, скучно не будет!
Третья игра выполнена в столь любимом многими жанре Шутер!
В поисках приключений вы попали в старинный, заброшенный собор оказавшийся обиталищем монахов-привидений, их заклинания вызывают жуткие магические атаки, хорошо, что у вас есть пистолет с бесконечным количеством патронов!
Перед такой сложной схваткой, не плохо бы пройти тренировку настоящего бойца спец. подразделения, для этого мы подготовили тренировочный уровень с полосой препятствий, тиром и стрельбой по мишеням, только эти цели не простые, они не стоят на месте, а быстро перемещаются и метко стреляют.
Ваши враги тоже проходили практику стрельбы у лучших учителей и обучены стрелять с упреждением, не двигайтесь прямолинейно, петляйте как заяц.
Steam User 2
I played the game Falling Down XR and I enjoyed it.
PC Configuration: VR headset, Meta Quest 2. Air Link WiFi6. CPU Intel 10400F. Ram 32 Gb. Graphics Card Nvidia 3070 Ti.
Performance: No freezes or frame drops were noticed, the framerate is as steady as an Olympic champion's cardiogram. The FPS in the headset does not differ a frame from the settings in the headset, mine is 90Hz with supersampling 1.8. If you launch Falling Down XR without VR, as a regular "flat" game and disable the FPS limiter in its settings, the graphics card is fully loaded and gives out 700-800 frames per second. The game is stable, does not freeze, does not crash, all buttons are clickable and no obvious bugs were noticed. You can move in the game with the joystick of the controller, but the authors suggest walking with your own legs, I confirm, it is indeed more fun, but you need a lot of space, 3 by 2 meters at least. In the menu, the control is adjustable for right-handed and left-handed people. There are almost no other settings, but they are not needed here. Technical part sorted out 5/5 points. Moving on to gameplay. Falling Down XR is a VR attraction, a bright representative of the all-in-one genre. There are many such games, for example the well-known EPIC ROLLER COASTERS or Summer Funland. In Falling Down XR you can get several games at once, the downside of this approach is that all these games are mini-games, short session activities. However, this is what is needed, 15-20 minutes to jump on platforms or shoot monsters in a wave shooter, let's not kid ourselves, who will last longer? It's VR, here you don't sit in a comfortable chair and touch the mouse with your little finger, active movement with all parts of the body, in 20 minutes you get tired as in the gym.
What types of games can be found in Falling Down XR? First of all, it's jumping and walking on platforms, there are two types, in one you need to jump down between the flying up platforms of different geometric shapes and try to get down as quickly as possible and press the button. The faster you get there, the cooler you are on the leaderboard, the fastest are awarded a prize on Steam. A small digression about leaderboards, there are two types here: the standard Steam leaderboard, which can be seen in the level selection menu and the personal records table indicating the date and points scored, which will show you the history of your successes on a particular level. You can't jump thoughtlessly from platform to platform, the player has health and too strong a smack leads to death. Therefore, you need to look at the menu on your hand, for activation a gesture is used similar to the one as you look at the watch, this menu shows your health level, earned points and you can control the music player. In addition to platforms, there are four types of bonuses through which you need to fly. Heart adds health, Skull is the opposite of the heart, health takes away. Stop sign temporarily stops the movement of platforms, and the flying Astronaut increases their speed for a short time.
The first level is Cube City, which is featured in the game's demo version, and understandably so, it's one of the most elaborate levels where platforms have different shapes, somewhat resembling Tetris pieces, along with bonuses and, in my opinion, very beautiful surroundings and music. The beauty lies in the light and shade effects, and it looks very voluminous and monumental in the headset, making you feel like a tiny bug in a vast space without a fear of heights. The music matches the grandeur, and I sometimes just stood on a platform and watched as light poles blinked to the rhythm. As you fly upwards, your health regenerates, so you can aimlessly look around for quite a while, with about 15 minutes of original music tracks. Pure relaxation. There are two more levels with the same game mechanics, Data Center, also known as Matrix, and Space. Here, the platforms are simple squares, and each has a countdown timer on its side. Once the timer hits zero, the platform will be destroyed, and if you were on it, you'll now be whizzing down. It's better to jump yourself, at least you get to choose which platform to fall onto next. The Matrix level is visually cool, and the sound design is interesting, especially if you love the sound of analog modems. The sound is tied to objects, and a sonic fabric weaves around you with the movement of platforms changing tone and volume according to Doppler's formula. It's mesmerizing with good headphones plugged into the headset. The third environment type is space; if you love spaceships, you can jump around one of them, though it didn't captivate me. There have been studies showing that VR can help overcome certain fears, maybe this game could help someone overcome their fear of heights? Tired of flying platforms, we move to stationary platforms, the second game type, Maze. Unlike any maze I've seen before, it's made of levels within a tall tower. Each floor has missing tiles which allow descending from top to bottom. The game is time-bound, but there's a twist to keep you engaged; your health constantly depletes. Falling more than a couple of levels causes health loss or even death. The maze isn't very hard, but the main challenge is to complete it in time without falling down. It's quite interesting. The maze is procedural, i.e., it's new with each play.
Lastly, my two favorites, the levels with guns. The first has training, a shooting range, obstacle course, and an active shooting arena with targets that can shoot back. For each discipline, Steam rewards are given, I got 3 out of 4. The main battle is the level Iron Rain, where the player is locked in a cathedral and must fend off evil monks and their aides. A typical wave shooter with various types of guns with different lethal capacities and three types of bonuses - health boost, shield, and two most powerful guns in each hand for 20 seconds. You need to shoot the bonus to activate it, but for weapon change, you need to pass through its icon, a sphere. Enemies attack with magic, curse from a distance, and shoot fireballs. They try to surround and destroy you. Therefore, standing still isn't an option; you must keep moving and checking your back as enemies try to sneak up and attack. Look for bonuses; the shield helps a lot, and try to get the magic bullet gun as soon as possible. Use natural cover like pillars actively. The game is "sweaty"; after 15 minutes, your arms will "fall off" from holding the guns with extended arms, it's a superb physical workout.
In conclusion, Falling Down XR is a solid representative of session VR games. I really liked two attractions, Cube City and Iron Rain, and I continue to play them with pleasure. If you're a fan of longer games, this game might not be for you, but try the demo version. For regular gamers, I recommend it; you won't be disappointed.