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Fade to Silence takes players into a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where defying nature’s threats and enemies is key. A compelling mix of a puzzling story, a constant strife for resources, balancing short term needs versus your long term goals, and a tense, atmospheric mood makes this game a unique survival adventure.
Steam User 13
Such a love/hate relationship I have with this game
On the surface, it's a typical open world survival horror crafting game with it's own form of base-building and tower defense
The atmosphere is amazing. Lovecraftian all the way to it's core, basing itself from the tale 'At The Mountains of Madness'
"Fade to Silence" plunges players into a chilling Lovecraftian world where survival is not just a goal, but a constant, harrowing journey in fighting insanely difficult enemies to looking for other survivors to help assist you at your refuge camp. From the moment you step into this desolate landscape, the game envelops you in an atmosphere dripping with dread and despair.
Yet, it's the game's atmosphere that truly sets it apart. The oppressive silence of the frozen wasteland is broken only by the distant howls of unseen beasts and the whispers of madness that echo in the wind. It's a world where every shadow hides a lurking terror, and every step forward brings you closer to the abyss.
This game can be EXTREMELY unfair.. which brings up my love/hate relationship with it. There's a permadeath variant to where if you lose your 'flames' ( I believe you start with 3 to begin, with more to be discovered in the game) and if you lose those flames. You have to start the game completely over. So just imagine surviving 30 days in-game only to be wiped out by a one kill from an enemy called 'The Stalker' or freezing to death in a blizzard because you traveled to far from camp to look for supplies. The combat tries to be Souls-like but it's a little janky especially playing with keyboard and mouse. It's not the worst, however it's not the best, but it's enough to keep me playing it and attempting to beat it.
But amidst the darkness, there is hope to be found in the form of base building. As you scavenge for resources and recruit survivors to your cause, you'll gradually construct a refuge from the encroaching madness. Building and fortifying your base becomes not only a means of survival but a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness. Each upgrade brings a sense of accomplishment and security due to a complex and sometimes grindy crafting system, a temporary respite from the horrors that lurk beyond your walls. Make sure you find as many Flames as possible hehe.
Soooo in conclusion.. Do i recommend this game? YES if you fall in the following group: You love lovecraft themed games. This one is a good adaption of HP's tale. If you love punishing survival games, or intriguing stories. I think you should give this game a go, but be warned. It can be unfair and you will die alot. So tread that 'winter wonderland wasteland' carefully
Steam User 8
This game was a pleasant surprise.
It's a bit clunky and at times quite buggy, but it's fun, really fun.
The setting is great, the story is interesting and most mechanics, event tho not polished, are fun and make you want to play "just a bit longer".
When most survival games are padded to make you play for as long as possible (and so, become boring as hell), FTS last "just right", not overstaying its welcome and ending before it gets repetitive.
Played from start to finish in coop, highly recommented
Steam User 3
Great deal on sale and i like most of THQ nordic rpgs .Not as boring like an AAA title. and way fun. I'm impress with the game and surprised that it did not do better in sales .(You pay 29 for a dlc those days...).
Steam User 2
A bit rough around the edges but still enjoyable. The game feels inspired by Darkwood even though it differs on many aspects. The permadeath mechanic drawed me in and made me stay even though it does not really feel like it comes into play, but it is a nice way to make things feel more consequential at least. The game does feel like it does not reach its full potential though and like things are left a bit "unfinished" and not entirely thought out. There is a skilltree but if you never die permanently you never get to use it it seems. The enemies are probably the major weakpoint of the game since they never really changes except for a stronger variant and different color. Combat really becomes quite trivial once you understand the enemy patterns and it does hurt the game quite a lot. The follower and basebuilding mechanic is nice even though I found a couple of the followers really annoying. Big downside is the very cluttered HUD without any elements fading out when you don't need to see them or any options for it.
But yes, overall if you expect things to be a bit rough this game feels interesting in many aspects, much thanks to the looming permadeath mechanic (that honestly does not come into play if you are not completely careless) that at least hangs in the background and make things feel more involving if you like that sort of thing and at least have the potential of big consequences if you really screw up big time.
Steam User 0
Not the best co-op/multiplayer experience, but a fun game all the same.
Steam User 0
fade to silence is a game that anyone who plays it would wish the best for it! pretty strong story and beautifully designed enemies and environment.(specially the inner voice that i loved the most in this game.) very very simple combat gameplay and almost every other things in the game will get repititive and somehow boring(you may play the game and do stuff to reach the end just for the story of the game which is somehow a mistery! and AGAIN pretty good!) as much as you get closer to the end of the game , the bugs and actually crashings will get more in teleporting , riding the sled , or simply just hanging around. altough i give this game a positive feedback , i only suggest to buy the game if you have free time and good nerve to deal with the different problems of the game. the super PROs of the game are: 1 the sled and the wolves 2 inner voice(great voice acting and monologs btw) 3 obtaining and using those followers and the whole building and crafting 4 story 5 creative yet frustrating trash moon in the sky which i died twice in row just to a wolf rescue cutscene. almost every other stuff seems not taht good to point!
Steam User 0
The game was good (compared to most games we get now days) but I recommend this game more because I want to see an even better game like this in the future. The first part of the game was really fun. Discovering the mechanics and world. But after some time I saw more and more thing that I didn't like.
Combat is very easy at its core. This was made for controller 100%. What made the game hard was actually the character movement. So slow to start running, rolling, hitting.
Then looking at the items, just a handful of them, and you don't even need to use all of them to finish the game. 5 types of enemy = you get used with them very fast.
Limited backpack space. Why? So you spend more time running back and forth.
Collect 1k gems. Why? You don't need them but you spend more in game time. Reminds me of collecting posters in Far Cry = boring.
Moving trough zones step by step like Shadow of Mordor, so you can build your character is no a fun thing. Having a more openworld like Witcher 3 or Gothic would have made the game so much better.
I hope they make a second game. With more focus on the story, character development, openworld. And less of repeat the same over and over just so you spend more time.