Epileptic Seizure Battle Ball Challenge

  • Epileptic Seizure Battle Ball Challenge Screenshot 1
  • Epileptic Seizure Battle Ball Challenge Screenshot 3
  • Epileptic Seizure Battle Ball Challenge Screenshot 5

Don’t miss out on this crazy action packed coin collecting mayhem game.

In this psychedelic single player permadeath tournament you will need to survive by collecting health, collect riches, fight monsters, unlock secrets and balance the task for which you have been chosen, saving humanity from an evil Saurian alien species by participating in their retro style game of Battle Ball.

Unleash chaos against your enemies with ricocheting bullets, unguided missiles or guided missiles if you have collected them.

Not everyone is an enemy though, watch out for friends and they might bestow gifts on you, or slightly change the playing environment sometimes for the better sometimes for the more annoying.

Try to unlock the next level by defeating bosses!

Strong epileptic seizure warning!

I’m sorry the Psychosis Update is taking so long. There are a lot of issues happening in my life and might be homeless soon due to issues with housing in my country. Thank you for your patients, I’ve been working hard on the update and it’s going to be a lot of fun when it’s out I just haven’t been able to work on it for the past month due to these issues.

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