Eczema Angel Orifice
A collection of hypertext stories where you read words and make choices by clicking on links. Most of the stories have content warnings and director’s notes, so you can easily find the hot stuff.
Some of these games are available free online so you can make the informed consumer choice as to whether to subject yourself to this hideous garbage, or some other hideous garbage not personally written by me.
Contains: With Those We Love Alive, Howling Dogs, Ultra Business Tycoon III, Cyberqueen, High End Customizable Sauna Experience, Their Angelical Understanding, Skulljhabit, Parasite, Beautiful Frog, Climbing 208 Feet Up The Ruin Wall, Begscape, Orifice Clique, Sewer Diamond War of 3096 Reenactment, Her Car is the Edge of the World, Wild Wild Gender Mines, Myriad, Metrolith, Contrition, Ruiness, Frolic RPG, Mother, Shadowchildself, The Sky in the Room, Faceless Genderless Amorphous Bonemass Hairbeast, Miniskirt World Network: Business Slut Online, Miss Clemory and the Stranger, Vesp, Girlwaste, Ballast, Neon Haze, One-Move Boss.
Steam User 2
I can't write with any pretence of objectivity here - Charity's work pierced some kind of feelings sphincter over a decade ago and I was literally never the same. I'll surely be making screeching noises about pieces like Vesp, Cyberqueen, and With Those We Love Alive til the day I die. But this collection is a treasure - and with many of the works now offline, it's pretty much the only place where many of them can be found.
If you're mostly familiar with Charity's modern work, like Serious Weakness or the Torture Works collection, you should definitely check out these old-school pieces too. They're just as sharp and playful, just as ingenious at running their fingers over all the sticky facets of living in a body in the sadistic world we do and rendering them fascinating and enticing in the horrors. That goes all the way back to early pieces like Howling Dogs. In contrast to the later more character- and relationship-focused works, the ones in this collection are often much more experimental with structure: fragmentary ptsd-labyrinths, recursive knots, iterations and variations, juicy imagery to swim around in.
Back in the day, nobody was doing it like Charity. It's a record of evolution/incubation and yes, the echoes of terrible pain. It's horribly real shit and some of these pieces will have you staring at a wall, but it's also real fun shit. It's life, in all extremes. It's a writer who knows what they're about and does it absolutely brilliantly.
Hold on to this.
Steam User 0
i love it a lot, an experience of surreal esoteric writing, the story are filled with unconventional and strange descriptive choices, almost as if the story itself does not want to be understood, the very text and idea held in it so strange and adversarial to ones mind. the story telling dances along fractured lines of meaning, where the world and your understanding of it has been warped by power beyond the pov characters understanding.
Steam User 0
just an absolutely incredible collection of work. damn. thank you porpentine.
Steam User 1
Thank you
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