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Earth’s Dawn is looming and the fate of the planet hangs in the balance! Become a member of A.N.T.I. – a squad of super-human soldiers powered by alien technology – and fight to reclaim Earth from the alien invasion known as E.B.E! Dive into frantic side-scrolling combat and take the fight to the alien horde before destroying hulking bosses! Earn XP to unlock new abilities across a massive skill tree, then create new swords, guns and equipment with materials harvested from the battlefield. Choose your own mission path, discover the truth behind the invasion and save the planet before it's too late!
Steam User 2
Somewhat fun and really satisfying brainless game, you can connect combos DMC-style and it's super satisfying, definitely something i would spend hundred of hours into, back in the old days.
Steam User 0
A super fun 2D action game, this was a ton of fun to play!
Steam User 0
first let me just say YES I would recommend this game if you have patience and have lots of time then it can be fun. for what it IS the price is reasonable if you can get it for sale then great. but it's not really needed parse. I got it on sale with a bundle with Lost Epic. I didn't originally know about this game or have any plan to buy it. but because the bundle at the time was cheaper then the game alone I bought the bundle and got this too for the price of one.
First things first all this is in my opinion and experience. While I do think it's a enjoyable game it is very flawed and lacks the true potential it could have been. it has lots of cool ideas but some of it falls short of what it could have been anyways some pros and cons and then some tips I will give. do keep in mind I haven't fully beaten the game yet at the time of this review so it is subject to change.
#1 Controls aren't too complicated all your combos and stuff are rather easy to do. as simple as down down or forward forward or holding a direction or etc.
#2 very simple but also decently satisfying skills system. where you unlock skills by doing stuff or completing missions
some skills only work for certain weapons.
#3 Sonic style "Mission ranks from E to S" with actually beneficial rewards for doing them in some cases.
#4 Unique Weapon Craft system where materials can have elements and effects and the weapon ends up with whatever element or effect the materials have but is slightly gacha but you can make it guaranteed easily.
#5 has difficulty scales from easy - normal - hard. so pick your level of suffer
#6 very good Wacky wild weapons some of which don't seem like they make sense but who cares
#7 Some weapons DO have legendary effects albeit aren't very clear on what they do so they require testing.
#8 Slow and Steady Unlocks of new features. Though the explanation of how to use them is not always worded perfectly.
#9 even though there are reused enemies their not 100% carbon copies they do often have different moves or effects
#10 You do seem to keep your loot drops even if you fail mission at least from what I've seen.
#11 elements and "effects" are two different things. "Burn" being separate from the "Fire" damage. so see it as though you have damage types and then effects are exclusive from them which allows for creativity
#1 The game has MONSTER HUNTER Logic you have to pretty much grind kill enemies or bosses to get materials to make weapons but worst. and considering the unique materials with special effects it can be painstaking process to get what you want specifically. some bosses like the "Leviathan" are the WORST material grind. regular enemies you at least get missions with many of them making it easier.
#2 some enemies are down right ANNOYING and Painful to deal with. For example the "Ghouls" and "Zombies" later on in are HIGHLY annoying with their Dead Island wannabe Grapple spam bites that do considerable damage. however certain weapons or effects can make them a lot easier.
#3 as mentioned before some assets like enemies are Reused but not entirely carbon copies move wise. which is annoying but I guess is efficient?
#4 god awful "operation timer" that forces you into the next main mission. which is really just a benchmark to see if you are ready for the next stage in the game. don't feel bad for failing as it just sets timer to 0 and you can do whatever you want for as long as you want after such.
#5 BAD enemy placements in some missions. Like some time you'll have to do a mission in a room that ALSO has a SUPER enemy in it whom you aren't ready to kill yet. rather then just disabling them from being there
#6 Upgrading weapons while useful to give yourself damage and stuff. is almost pointless unless you aim to keep certain weapons. as some weapons just get replaced with essentially superior versions of itself. weapons with Unique abilities are worth upgrading though as they tend to be more often one of a kind
#7 nearly every mission adheres to a specific location that it's assigned to and reuses some portion of that maps layout. this may not be a bad thing to some people. but some people may not like this
#8 lacks full details of items. the game will sometimes VAGUELY suggest a weapon/item is special but not 100% elaborate on what it does. a DARK SOULS level Details panel with more lore/Descriptions would be nice.
#9 Similar to with the Item descriptions. I wish Missions had a detailed list of every enemy that you would run into in that mission likely and maybe even how many. this would make farming so much easier to know already where to kill more of X enemy
#10 you don't need me to say it. but fighting and combat in the game can be redundant. and i don't recommend relying on the same weapons or loadout for every mission.
Finally the really useful part all of these are also based on my Opinions from using them as well.
High-Tier < Fire, Ice > (as plenty of enemies are weak to it)
Mid-Tier < Lightning > ( I don't think many enemies are weak to this but there maybe some.)
Low-Tier < Physical, Darkness > (Nothing is weak to these but very few are resistant so it's technically a neutral damage)
You can still get by using any of these even if just for haha funny as long as it's not being resisted then you are golden
Effects: (and what they do to the best of my knowledge)
Elite: (these are the best of the best)
(Stun frames the target off and on in intervals of a couple seconds for a lengthy period. I Rank it High because it WORKS ON MOST BOSSES seemingly well it even locks targets midair as well)
(Freezes a Target SOLID for a decent period of time. this is great if you combine it with BACKSTABS. however the damage you deal seems to diminish as you abuse damage while their frozen. but refreshes afterwards. Doesn't seem to work on many bosses)
(This one is tricky. when it triggers a target has X amount of time before dying randomly regardless of health. This is a GOD SEND for TIMED missions that require killing enemies. all you gotta do is trigger it run to the next enemy and they will die on their own. This obviously does not work on bosses. but works on majority of enemies)
Good: (These are useful but maybe situational)
(Sleeping is kind of like in Monster Hunter enemy goes to sleep but is knocked out of it upon being attacked. you can RAPIDLY trigger it which makes it useful for fast weapons. and it does work on many bosses. also enemies maybe take increased damage while asleep I think as well but I haven't fully tested that)
(This one is very useful in some missions. it's effectiveness seems to depend on the weapon. it heals you based on the amount of damage you do I think around 10% or 15% maybe more. Greatswords benefit well from this as a greatsword doing around 300 damage will heal for about 30 health maybe more per hit. where as a gun doing 50 damage per hit might heal for 5-8 per hit. the effectiveness really depends on the weapon. and it's NOT a status effect it's just an on hit effect. does work on bosses of course)
(Blinds enemies short time making them move oddly. can be chained. but doesn't seem to work or trigger On a lot of enemies. so I'm uncertain of it's usefulness.)
Damage: (these actually add to the damage output directly)
(a decently Long Lasting Poison DoT status that does LARGE ticks of damage but ticks at a slow pace)
(a decently Long Lasting Fire DoT Status that Does SMALL RAPID ticks of damage at a very fast pace)
"BTW These seem to IGNORE rules of Damage type so an enemy being resistant to "FIRE" for example Doesn't seem to matter for BURN but I have to test that theory more"
Debuffs: (These are Mostly Self explanatory. But the VALUES are Unknown to me. so can't say their usefulness)
TEC Down (Lowers Enemy Guard Break Damage by X amount)
ATK Down (Lowers Enemy Attack Damage by X Amount
DEF Down (Lowers Enemy Defense Values By X Amount)
Steam User 4
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