Dota Underlords
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Dota Underlords is a stand-alone game that pits you against seven opponents in a battle of wits that will have you building, combining, and leveling-up a crew in a battle of dominance for the city of White Spire. In this game, victory is determined not by twitch reflexes, but by superior tactics. Hire a crew and destroy your rivals in this new strategy battler set in the world of Dota. Recruit heroes and upgrade them into a more powerful version of themselves.
Steam User 0
nice game to bad the devs are schit to shut down this masterpiece
Steam User 0
ça occupe
Mais il n'y a plus rien de neuf depuis un sacré bout de temps,
et pire !! il n'y a pas grand monde qui joue :(
Steam User 1
Masterclass en age
Absence total de maj
Desepoir je gage
Steam User 0
excellent, dommage qu'il n'y ai plus de maj
Steam User 0
for all autochess lovers real ogy
Steam User 0
Steam User 0