Doors and Doors

  • Doors and Doors Screenshot 1
  • Doors and Doors Screenshot 3
  • Doors and Doors Screenshot 5

لم يزود المؤلف بعد وصفًا بلغتك.لم يقدم المؤلف وصفًا بلغتك بعد.

Your mission is to survive!


  • horror atmospheric theme
  • real first-person player class with the dynamic camera system
  • real locomotion system for a first-person horror game
  • player fatigue system if he runs too much
  • dynamic item drag and drop system
  • flashlight system( switchable to zoom on close or far away points / have particle efects)
  • doors and key system (contains Normal and sliding doors)
  • ladder system with the ability to go up and down with sounds
  • cabinet system with the ability to hide items in it
  • note system with images and texts
  • jump scare system based on items and sounds
  • AI monster with the ability to navigating the map(walking, running), search for the player, capture the player, lose the player, open and close doors
  • some puzzles
  • keypad and safebox system
  • interact with the radio (turn off / on)
  • hiding behind items with crouching
  • generator system
  • basic inventory system
  • horror sound system
  • horror effects
  • main menu with setting

Meet Froggy Mroggy

You have to get on well with Froggy Mroggy, who will run after you throughout the game. If you don’t get along well, froggy mroggy can upset you.

ترويج مقابل 50G
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