Doom Eternal
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As the DOOM Slayer, you return to find Earth has suffered a demonic invasion. Raze Hell and discover the Slayer’s origins and his enduring mission to rip and tear…until it is done. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power as you battle your way across dimensions with the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat.
Chief 0
So I wanted some hardcore game for my Nintendo Switch, and Doom Eternal is surely one of few AAA games, you can actually get for Switch. I didn't play it on PC or other consoles - so I'm kinda playing with "mobile" graphics, but still it looks decent and plays just awesome.
Challenging, with interesting mechanics in every aspect of the game. Exploration, fights, upgrades - are deep enough to remain enjoyable for quite a long time, adding something new as you progress through the story.
PvP is somewhat new and interesting to play. However there are few issues with balance and matchmaking. It seems Nintendo Switch players are being matched to PC players, which I find somewhat unfair even more than 1vs2 gameplay.
Steam User 174
One of the best Christian game with much Christian values since Doom (2016). Very ETERNAL.
Just Play DOOM ETERNAL if you got problems in real life.
Steam User 65
If you loved Doom 2016 and are thinking about getting this one, heads up. This game doesnt progress as calmly as Doom 2016. It's faster, crazier, and way more brutal! With its slick presentation and lovely story, I suggest grabbing the game along with The Ancient Gods DLCs, not just the base game.. Up to Ultra-Violence difficulty, it might feel likeee a slightly sped-up Doom 2016 with extra jump pads and monkey bars. Dont think you can just waltz in on Nightmare mode like you did in Doom 2016. Your body and mind will get wrecked.. Yeah, I beat the game, including The Ancient Gods DLCs on Nightmareee difficulty, and now nothing in life brings me joy.
And yep, even though I know how to deal with him now, I still hate the Marauder because I can't forget our first encounter..
Steam User 73
Doom 3: horror game.
Doom eternal: horror game but you’re the horror
Steam User 57
DOOM Eternal is like injecting pure chaos and adrenaline right into your veins. The action never stops, the combat is ridiculously satisfying, and the soundtrack will have you feeling like a metal god while you obliterate demons. The graphics are stunning, and the gameplay is silky smooth.
Steam User 69
A one player FPS to get lost in, easy to jump into but hard to master at its toughest. Still sinking hours into this 300+
Steam User 51
I went into Doom Eternal fresh off of the heels of finishing Doom (2016 (I will mostly refer to it as such from this point)), which I thought was a tremendous game. In doing so, I had high expectations and stepped into the stomping grounds of Eternal with far too much of an inclination that it was going to play largely the same as 2016 -- it did not.
At it's core, Eternal shares a lot of similarities with 2016, and when you first gain control the Doom Slayer, there really isn't any clear indication that there is really much of a difference in gameplay at all. However, once you've cleared your first pack or two of demons, the divergence becomes pretty apparent: Unlike 2016, which provided a plethora of ammo, health, and armor for you to pick up off of the ground, Eternal scales this back tremendously, and instead implements several combative mechanics that are available on moderate cooldown timers which will provide you a means for gaining these resources back from the demons you're killing. Inherently, this isn't a bad thing. But being so entrenched in the way that 2016 played, the change was dramatically jarring to me initially, and it took me a couple of levels to wrap my head around the fact that Eternal was asking me to play very differently. As a result, I felt quite frustrated with this game for my first few hours of gameplay.
During this learning period, my biggest annoyance was that I was constantly running out of ammunition, which resulted in me often having to flee from encounters in desperate search for the now-scarce ammunition lying around the rooms, which felt like a complete change of pace compared to 2016; and my feeling at the time made it feel like an unreasonable change at that. However, this was not the games fault. This was purely the fault of my expectations and my initial inability to adapt to the changes made. However, once I obtained all of my slayer tools, and it finally dawned on me how to properly regain resources mid-encounter, my frustrations largely dissipated, and instead, I started to actually really enjoy the difference in playstyle, and recognized how regaining resources off of the demons was actually a pretty neat mechanic, and I really started to appreciate it, especially as a means to keep you constantly engaged in the action instead of having to scour the rooms for whatever resource you require.
Outside of combat, Eternal really stepped up the platforming sections of the game, and for that, I felt like traversing each level was a bit more engaging and enjoyable than 2016. However, the levels themselves often felt a bit too long, and the game as a whole was a little lengthier than I would have preferred. Still, the level design is quite fantastic, and the visuals are tremendous the whole way through. The game oozes satisfaction in nearly every aspect, just as its predecessor did. The only aspect of the game where I felt this was not the case was with the narrative. Frankly, I feel like the game tried to be more of a lore-rich, deeper storytelling experience than it needed to be, and the story itself, for me, was a bit too convoluted and uninteresting. I honestly just checked out during most of the dialogue, as I really struggled to care about the narrative.
Overall, I still would say I preferred the more grounded, straight-forward approach of Doom (2016). Never once in that game did I really feel any level of frustration, whereas, even once I became familiar with the mechanics of Eternal, I found myself getting infuriated with several sections of the game. That doesn't mean that overall I didn't still enjoy the hell out of it though. Eternal is a thrill ride of bad-assery the whole way through, and many of the battles are adrenaline-fueled madness that will leave you exasperated when the encounter has concluded. Without a doubt, it's one of the best modern-day FPS games on the market. Give it a go if you're looking for a fast-paced gore fest, though I would recommend giving Doom (2016) a go first. Just don't go into Eternal with the idea that it's going to play nearly identical, like I did.
Steam User 44
I have some mixed feelings about Doom Eternal. It's a fantastic game, and I loved significant parts of it. However, I loved the original DOOM 2016 significantly more. The differences between these two games definitely feel like a result of very specific intentionality by the developers. Id did not want Doom Eternal to be a rehash of Doom 2016, and so they made the gameplay far more demanding and more methodical. I tried to embrace Doom Eternal for what it was, and got through it on "Ultra Violence". This made me appreciate much of the depth that the combat here has to offer, even if there is still a ton I don't know about the systems. But the key difference between DOOM 2016 and this sequel for me was this: the 2016 game allowed me to let go and blow off steam. Doom Eternal, on the other hand, stressed me out.
That last part isn't meant to be an accusation aimed at Doom Eternal. In recent years I have found I like challenging games in some settings. I love the Dark Souls-like genre, and enjoy complexity and depth of mechanics in a lot of games now. However, the 2016 DOOM felt so free-form and satisfying in its combat, and kept inviting me to push forward. In Doom Eternal, on the other hand, every two battles I had to take a breather, and I often stopped playing because the fights had taken it out of me. Doom Eternal was very fun, but it wasn't nearly as effortlessly fun as the game that came before it.
There are times when the ballet of aiming for enemy weaknesses with specific guns, chainsawing and flamethrowering smaller enemies for resources, and flying around the map mantling and taking runs at the bigger demons, comes together as a beautiful symphony in Doom Eternal. In those moments, it feels every bit as brilliant as the previous game. However, in other moments I feel that Eternal can collapse under the weight of these mechanics at times, as you are forced to stand almost still briefly in order to target a weakness, and then get stuck between three demons who are holding you in place awkwardly and keep you from dashing away. Your health can just melt away in a second or three in those moments, and it can be frustrating. DOOM 2016's 'anything goes' combat offered one of the most 'frictionless' shooter experiences I had ever had, and it did so while still offering a stiff challenge at the same time. By contrast, Doom Eternal, for all of its brilliance, feels full of 'friction' to me, keeping the player at bay a little bit.
Oh, and I absolutely hated the two enemy types that were introduced at the end. I know there a whole 'git gud' mentality around the marauder, and I'm sure using the quick weapon swap in a skillful rhythm allows you to take them out very efficiently once you get the hang of it, but for me an enemy that is invulnerable at most distances, and who has projectiles that dog you relentlessly, does not fit into a combat environment where you are swarmed with other enemies as well, who are also very deadly. Absolutely hated every fight the marauder appeared in.
In any case, I deeply loved DOOM 2016 and started playing Eternal a couple of weeks ago because I was itching for that feeling of playing modern DOOM again. Eternal definitely provides that feeling in spades, and I loved most parts of the game for it. Its only obstacle is that it finds itself being compared to the 2016 one, which is one of my favourite games ever. In that particular comparison, Eternal comes out looking slightly for the worse.