DMT: Dynamic Music Tesseract

  • DMT: Dynamic Music Tesseract Screenshot 1
  • DMT: Dynamic Music Tesseract Screenshot 3
  • DMT: Dynamic Music Tesseract Screenshot 5

DMT, the Dynamic Music Tesseract, is a 3D visualization of vast

4-dimensional objects created by your music!

This is not for everyone, but the people who like it really seem to like it!

If you want to zone out listening to your music and watching trippy visuals, then this is for you.

o DMT will visualize whatever music you happen to be playing. Just play

your music like you normally would and DMT will visualize it.

So, pick your favorite music app or service and use it to drive the visuals!

o #1 Tip: Just relax and let your eyes defocus. Let it wash over you.

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