Detective Grimoire
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Detective Grimoire has been called to investigate a murder. The owner of a small tourist attraction, found deep within the heart of the marshes, seemingly killed by the very mythical creature his attraction is based around… Explore the surrounding area, inspect the scene of the crime, grill the suspects, solve puzzles, search for clues and uncover the secret of the swamp! Features A mixture of investigating and puzzle gameplay, designed with mouse/touch in mind Assemble Grimoire's thoughts to reach conclusions about the case A fully voiced and animated cast of characters to interrogate Beautiful digitally painted environments to explore Award nominated original orchestral soundtrack
Steam User 9
Totally worth $1.39 (or more)! This is a cute little detective game with some great writing and characters. If you're coming here from Tangle Tower be aware that this one was much earlier so it's not as polished - and the puzzles are nearly non-existent. You're just here for the deducing and the writing, not the puzzling. I had a fun three hours, there's really no padding, all content.
Steam User 5
I recently played Tangle Tower (this game’s successor) and decided to play this one as well. Another very solid murder mystery game that I would give a 7/10. Spoiler free review.
-The game is somewhat stylized similar to its successor Tangle Tower; ghostly white skin characters with colorful accessories, hair, and so on. Solid visuals, not mind-blowing but way above the run-of-the-muck graphics.
-I love the cutscenes! They are short, nice, and I thought really added to the game.
-Music is very good here, and has a whimsical, fun atmosphere to it. Definitely did not tire of the music before the game ended.
-The dialogue is overall very concise and well written. There are some moments that it feels a tad dry for a game like this, but for the most part it is right where it should be in terms of getting the point across in a fun manner.
-The mechanics of the game are fun and while some are extremely primitive (many puzzles are just…moving things around to look at some; I’m not sure if this game was originally a flash game but it reminded me of flash games back in the 2000’s a bit) and some pointless (the suspicious and not suspicious mechanic is fun, but ultimately pointless and the achievement actually slightly ruined the ending for me since I wanted to get all the achievements in one run), I mostly found it a charming kind of simple.
-Game is short. I know some people do not care about a game’s length, hence neutral, but I would say 3-4 hours max is how long your first playthrough will take. Not much meat here.
-Game has the common issue most games like this have of bringing an item to everyone to talk about it.
-While I like that the game does not waste my time when I bring an item that a character has no information on, the fact it cycles through the same three dialogues of “I don’t know” is a bit lame. It’s not a huge deal, but I rather they either have unique dialogues for each item, or just a generic “I don’t know,” single line quip that’s easy hear fast and skip, so I don’t accidentally skip dialogue on an actually relevant item.
-The locked challenges were interesting but I kind of felt some were strangely not that useful or relevant. Some felt like they just needed the person to be…related to the crime in some way. This was pretty rare though.
-The game’s scope is short and concise. That means it is all done well, but also that there are not really any crazy twists or anything. Sets a goal and does it, so it is a kind of predictably fun experience.
-This is a pretty extreme nitpick, but the game hints at a sequel (which again is out, Tangle Tower) a lot. Like a lot a lot. I’m okay with hints, references, and slight pushing of a story that will go “Hey, we’ll have a sequel at some point!” story-wise, but for a 3-4 hour game, I think there were about 3-4 moments that did that. That’s pretty excessive and detracts from the current experience, you do not want your game to feel like an ad for your next game. But a very, very forgivable if not petty negative on my end.
Steam User 4
It's a neat little detective game with lots to explore. Sometimes I had the feeling, that I did not explore enough but a lot of clues for a solution can be found in more than one place and that absolutely helps in completing deductions even if a little part of information is missing.
I loved the general flow of the story of getting to know all the characters and asking them questions, although the "thinking process" part needed a little getting used to at first.
I also like a lot that it gives you a little sound cue if you did the right or wrong thing at crucial questionings, so it's actually nearly impossible to get stuck in a conversation.
Also the voice actors did a really neat job.
Overall really nice concept and execution.
Steam User 4
It is a great Short game with a lot of style and animation. It is a bit easy when came to puzzles. If you looking for a short click-and-point adventure to do in an evening this is a good one. I will be checking the next game in the series .
Steam User 3
Cool little point and click detective game. Not that long and not really challenging either. It all makes sense quite easily with a little bit of logic. Quite satisfying how it all clicks into place. Had a few issues with the audio randomly going extremely loud out of nowhere but other than that very cool game for a short bit of fun and to get your brain thinking
Steam User 5
I played this game after Tangle Tower. This is a much simpler game, but it was fun to find hints about later events in the series and to see Sally's old design. Justice for Boggy!
Steam User 2
Played this after Tangle Tower and the original flash game. I'm officially obsessed with Detective Grimoire and am super excited for the next game to release. Also the detective is so tumbler-sexyman-coded