Deep Sky Derelicts
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In a grim dystopian future, where mankind has scattered across the galaxy and the human society has split into two distinct classes, you are a poor stateless outcast forced to live off scraps from derelict alien stations and ships in the outer space, yet you dream of becoming a privileged citizen and living on the surface of a habitable planet, enjoying non-synthetic air, water and food. A fabled alien derelict ship somewhere within the Deep Sky sector of space is your voucher for a citizenship and a promise of cozy life on a hospitable planet. Build and control a squad of up to three mercenary characters and set on to explore derelict ships within your reach from the scavenger's base. Searching the derelicts for loot and clues, you come across many friendly inhabitants and traders, but more often – various enemies.
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Grało się dobrze a sama gra wciąga tylko proponuję przed większą walką zapisać bo czasami może gorsze karty wylosować, przy obecnej inflacji i cenach jakie są gra kosztuję w DE dwie paczki fajek M@#!* czerwonych, a jak poczekasz na jakąś promocję to warto kupić i pograć.
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Cool game, I don't have much to say about this.
Although it requires you to have a functional brain, but it's alright (I borrowed one)
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Bardzo wciągająca, łatwiejsza wersja Darkest Dungeon :)
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DD in space
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