In a post-apocalyptic wasteland that is overrun with zombies, you struggle to find limited resources while traveling along an abandoned train line to stay alive and return to civilization.
DEAD TRAIN is a zombie-infested survival game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. You must manage to find the limited resources to stay alive while traveling on a deserted train line.
To find your way back to civilization, you will need to make stops along the way to collect the resources needed to stay alive. Travel through abandoned base camps and train stops to collect
the limited resources. While doing this you should be beware of dangers that will attack you.
*Kill off all zombies and collect the resources needed for your survival or be killed!
*There are no checkpoints, when you die you start over from the beginning
*The train is the only safety you have
*The train breaks down and needs to be reactivated
Steam User 14
First of all, I can't believe a 16 year old made this game from start to finish! Very impressive!
This game is a great stress reliever.
Killing zombies is always fun.
Steam User 0
Good game, but it needs a gun in one of the crates, at the very least, a pistol if you would. How am i supposed to defend myself without a pistol
Steam User 3
Loving this game!!