Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
And then there was light… but not enough for Michael to find out who he is and what happened to the world out there. The “Great Wave”, the “dissolved”… are just hollow words in his looted mind.
“Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today” is the first part of the “Dead Synchronicity” series:
Help Michael face a dying reality, a universe that’s fading away. Face a merciless world that gets sick and vanishes. Face no past, no present, no future. Face the impending moment of “dead synchronicity”.
And you’d better hurry. Because, otherwise… what will you do when Time dissolves itself?
A terrible pandemic is turning all of humanity into “the dissolved” – the sick whose deliria provide them with supernatural cognitive powers… but also steer them towards a gruesome death.
Steam User 5
This was a neat game to get into. The premise was very interesting. It is a little slow at the start, but kind of hooked me after that. I was very curious to see what was behind the event that shattered their world. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, but it didn't leave me frustrated. Things were explained pretty well about the how and why of what was happening, even if we didn't get to see whether or not a good outcome was able to be obtained.
Now, knowing from the start that it is supposed to be a 3-part series, I had braced myself for the possibility of an abrupt ending with no actual conclusion. However, because they lost money on the first game, they decided not to continue with the next game in the series. That isn't to say they couldn't rethink the possibility in the future. But if you're looking into getting this game, this is something you should know from the get-go.
TL;DR - This game still works as a standalone with it's interesting/unique plot and characters. There will not be more chapters. So unless getting complete closure in the story is a MUST, then I recommend this game when it is on sale.
Steam User 1
Overall I liked this game pretty well. The story is interesting and I enjoy post apocalyptic settings. It is a decent length for adventure games, it took me around 8 hours to finish.
The puzzles are ok, though there are a few that bugged me a little bit, one item you pick up its a shard of broken glass and trying to use it to slice things he kept giving dialog that made it seem fragile and prone to break, but then it ends up being used to dig a hole which feels way more likely to shatter or break it than any of the previous things I tried to use it on.
The last thing I will mention that might be a deal breaker for some people is the game ends very much on a cliffhanger and the planned sequel has been cancelled, so there is no solid resolution to things, but I still found it entertaining up to that point. The story is definately the strong point in my opinion.
Steam User 1
Considering I didn't even pay a whole dollar for this game I don't think it's fair to criticize it harshly buuuuut... it's pretty mid. Some problems I had with it are: unresolved ending due to abandonment of the sequel, pretty silly item puzzles (many times the solution was very stupid), lots of lore dumping (not the cool kind) and it was overall a bit boring. Still, there were some pluses to my experience: it was cheap, I enjoyed character art, and got a Steam foil card out of it so I'm pretty happy. I would give it a "mixed review" if such thing was an option, and because it's not I'll give it "good", I've paid mere pennies for it so it's only fair to do at least that...
Steam User 0
good game with some macabre parts. the puzzles are logical and the story is suspenseful, although there remain a few open questions in the end and the ending is very abrubtly. the plottwist was also very see-through in my opinion. but it still deserves a playthrough!
Steam User 0
O jogo parece genuinamente incrível, artes maravilhosas uma história intrigante e um universo dahora, infelizmente não sou um dos maiores fãs de point and click, mas se você curte, vale a pena.
Steam User 0
It's a very well made adventure game with an intermediate level of difficulty, and it has a good and original story line. But it feels a bit short since it has, what it felt to me, as a pretty abrupt ending.
Steam User 0
A decent point & click game. Sometimes a bit unintuitive, but otherwise a good experience for point & click adventure fans.