Dead Rising 3
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Anything and everything is a weapon in Dead Rising 3. Explore the zombie-infested city of Los Perdidos, and find a way to escape before a military strike wipes the entire city, and everyone in it, off the map. With intense action and an unmatched level of weapon and character customization, Dead Rising 3 delivers a heart-pounding experience unlike any other as you explore, scavenge and fight to survive in a massive open world on the brink of a zombie apocalypse.
Steam User 78
When I first bought Dead Rising 3. I couldn't get passed the FPS being locked at 30. Really killed it for me, so I stopped playing for a long time. Then someone on YouTube gave me a solution. It's very simple. Make sure to adjust dead rising 3.exe in nivida control panel after following the steps in the video below or it will not work as shown.
Dead Rising 3 PC 'How to Uncap the Frame Rate' Guide (4K)
By: JokerAlex 21
After this fix. The game runs great, and it feels great. Being able to run around Dead Rising 3 at 120 frames feel incredible and definitely is worth a try for any fan of the dead rising series or anyone just likes killing zombies in general.
Steam User 32
Will never understand the hate for this game, straight forward zombie killer with some cool combo weapons and combination vehicles that make the playing experience simply fun, although I had to play this game with a Melee build because of the fact aiming in jitters on press but that's alright because that's all I usually do in the other Dead Rising games.
Steam User 14
Amazing game. it def shows its age but it still has a charm to it. its great to just hop in and kill zombies with friends. If your sick of the 30fps lock however there is a decently easy fix you can look up. but ill just give you the rundown here as well:
-make sure the game is closed first.
1. go to the games files and make a new text document in the same fold that you see deadrising3.exe. rename the document "user.txt"
2. open the document and paste in the following: gmpcr_unlock_frame_rate = True
3. save the document and rename the file again changing the file type so it becomes "user.ini"
-This will unlock the frame rate completely but there is one problem with this. a ton of things in the game are tied to this frame rate. so the next thing your gonna wanna do is limit it from anywhere around 45-60fps should be fine.
4. open nvidia control panel and go to Manage 3D settings > Program Settings
5. Click ADD and add deadrising3.exe
6. scroll down in the specify the settings for this program section and change MAX FRAME RATE to 60fps.
-And there you have it. things will be slightly sped up if you play at 60fps but its way better than being locked to 30. thank you to all the people online that figured this out before me im just trying to spread the knowledge.
Steam User 10
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition is like a warm bowl of ramen: satisfying, fun, and full of flavor, but you can't help but think, "Could it have been better with just a little extra spice?"
The game's open-world zombie apocalypse is a joy to explore. Smashing hordes of undead with bizarre weapons like a sledgehammer-teddy bear combo is peak ridiculousness, and I dig that vibe. The crafting system is still super fun, letting you MacGyver your way through chaos. Plus, the edition includes all the DLCs, which is a nice touch for the completionists out there.
But... and here’s the Buddha laziness kicking in... the game doesn’t push itself. The story? Eh, it's there, but it doesn’t hit deep. The characters? Kinda meh, like a side dish you barely touch. And while the map is big, it feels a bit samey after a while—like you're chewing on the same flavor of gum for too long. Also, some bugs and performance hiccups can pull you out of the moment, which feels like someone spilling tea during your meditation session.
Don’t get me wrong—it’s good. A fun game to kick back and turn your brain off for some zombie-smashing zen. But could it have been more? Absolutely. A sprinkle of better storytelling, a pinch of variety in the world, and maybe a dash of technical polish could’ve elevated it to legendary status.
So, I’d say it’s worth a go, but go in expecting a comfy chair, not a golden throne.
Steam User 13
The Game is Great i Remember watching Vannos and H2O delirious play this game when i was younger and now that i'm playing its very nostalgic and is just so good can't say that about the 4th game
Steam User 12
Due to the recent news of the Dead Rising Remake/Remaster I decided to give this series a shot starting with Dead Rising 3. I was always aware of this series growing up but unfortunately never had the chance to play till very recently and I've been having a blast so far with this game alone!! I've heard that Dead Rising 3 and Dead Rising 4 weren't looked as fondly as the first two games apparently and while I can't comment on Dead Rising 4 as I haven't played it yet I don't understand why Dead Rising 3 gets the short end of the stick since it's still a pretty damn fun game, I think that might be because this is my first Dead Rising game and if I played the DR1 and 2 first then I'd see it differently but as of right now I think it deserves alot more love than it's gotta.
P.S Apparently this port doesn't save your progress properly if you try out the DLC and while I haven't encountered this problem I still recommend backing up your saved progress just in case so you don't lose it, hope this helps prevent anyone from having this problem in the future :D
Steam User 10
Mindless fun, like all Dead Rising games, but with something distinctly missing. Everything looks the same, most combo weapons feel identical, and the map is filled to the brim with collectable litter. You can tell this was an XBOX ONE launch game, in that this game tries to make you feel like everything is bigger and better. In a sense, it is - but the tradeoff is that it is painfully easy. If I wasn't interested in exploring, I could have finished the game earlier tonight. Bosses are locked into animations while you throw damage at them. The sense of caution you have at lower levels is gone. There is no tension.
But still, it's mindless fun, and exactly what most people want in a zombie sandbox. And to tide me over until the Dead Rising 1 remake comes out, this game is worth all of the 8 dollars I paid for it.