Dead Effect 2
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This action sci-fi shooter is looking to push the boundaries of first-person shooters to new levels with slick graphics, rich narrative and RPG elements. Train, develop your character, collect and upgrade countless weapons, gear and body implants and take control of the monster-infested ship. The story will take you back to the ESS Meridian, right to where the original plot ended. However, you are not meant to take a rest something is brewing deep within the recesses of the spaceship. It is much more dangerous than a horde of the undead – it is threatening to enslave your mind and bend it to its will. Are you going to fight back?
Steam User 3
尽管这是个年龄较大的手游移植pc, 但却出奇意料的好玩(大概是因为我喜欢刷刷刷类的游戏?)
游戏整体风格很像Doom3, 敌人设计也能看到doom的影子, 但名字却有点像是在同时reference 死亡空间和质量效应
剧情如同白开水一样无趣平淡, 画面也可以说是平平无奇, 但他杀敌效果很爽啊(指如同油漆一样不要钱乱飞的血液效果和断肢特效, 还有随着爆炸时随机出现的子弹时间)。
尽管游戏内武器反馈以及手感都比较拉跨, 但是却有着非常多不同种类的武器可尝试, 上到激光加特林电浆枪, 下到染色钢筋和棒球棍(啊是的你没看错这游都科幻背景了还能用这些东西来打怪)
当然作为一个RPG游戏它是一定有着技能系统的, 选择不同角色有不同可解锁的专精技能, 除了专精还有额外可解锁的特别技能以及被动和加强自身属性, 游戏内还有着植入体以及防具可以靠打剧情或者副本来解锁,可以说是有相当多可肝的内容了
最重要的是他既不吃配置还支持联机啊(最多3人), 不用挂加速器也能畅玩, 原价40一定不值但现在打折才8块, 还要什么自行车
Steam User 0
Steam User 0