Dead Alliance
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Dead Alliance is a fast-paced, multiplayer first-person zombie shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world, where former military bases have been turned into the only remaining city-states. Build your squad and take strategic control of bases across maps infected with zombies, using the dead themselves as weapons against your opposing faction. Armed with a variety of loadouts that range from guns to pheromone grenades, you'll face off against enemy armies and gruesome, human-eating killers – all while attempting to capture and control as many bases as possible. The world is a wasteland, and your only hope for survival is to use the dead…or join them.
Steam User 5
Yep I bought this game and yeah its pretty fun, but i bought it for 3bucks tho. If u guys find it on sale its worth playing it, its fun and pretty chill.
Steam User 1
I have this game on the ps4 and have played it for a good amount of time. As someone who is new to keyboard and mouse a display of what they keys do would be nice. Or an option to change what buttons do what. I love the game and think it runs better on pc than on ps4. I hope more people give it a shot.
Steam User 0
A somewhat fun game even though it's poorly made. Only buy if it's on sale
Steam User 3
actually, it's pretty fun. the bot stuff can be pretty hard to beat and the game play turning zombies to fight with you is pretty cool.
if you find it on sale, it's worth the play. i don't think there's much "on-line" community to this, but.... at least you are not fighting cheaters ;)
Steam User 2
hello developers. cool game. but wouldn't it be nice to have controller or gamepad options. not everyone is keyboard savvy
Steam User 1
Not bad for the very tiny price I paid for it elsewhere. For 29.99 though just to be able to play with bots and solo survival is asking a bit too much.
Steam User 3
It's an ok game.I love that you can play with bots on all the game modes.I love to play online but I don't find any servers available but you can have fun with bots.Try it once in your lifetime.It's totally worth it.