Day Repeat Day
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Day Repeat Day is an interactive story and a match-3 game that takes you through the years in a life of an average person. You’re hired to do a job. You try to manage your relationships. But you’re never really sure where it’s all leading to. It’s a story about living, the daily grind and what it all means in the end, topped with a sprinkle of satire and mysteries.
After doing a lot of action games, I wanted to do something much more intimate and personal and Day Repeat Day is what came of it. I hope you find it a meaningful experience!
Steam User 1
Un bon jeu narratif qui mélange intelligemment le "match-3" (genre Candy Crush ou Bejeweled) et le simulateur de relation. Je n'ai fait qu'une run et même si le jeu pousse à découvrir d'autres arcs, je trouve que le fond est trop plombant pour se lancer dans une tâche pareille. Mais très bon !