Dawn of Man
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Take control of a settlement of the first modern humans, guide them through the ages in their struggle for survival. Dawn of Man is a survival/city-builder from the creators of Planetbase. The game starts in the Stone Age, and takes you up to the Iron Age, spanning more than 10,000 years of human prehistory. You will have to get your people to survive, expand and evolve, just like our ancestors, facing the challenges that the environment will throw at you. Hunt Animals were a vital source of food and resources for ancient humans. Use their meat to feed your people and their skin and bones to make clothing and craft the tools you will need to stay alive. Confront Mammoths, Woolly Rhinos, Ancient Bison, Megaloceros, Cave Lions and other species that roamed the earth at the time. Gather Collect a variety resources from the environment: fruit, berries, water, wood, flint, stone, ores. Use them to prepare food, to make tools and to build structures in your settlement.
Steam User 0
no oddaje tylko ja zawsze lamie jak zaczynają umierac i nie gram przez rok potem znów gram i tak juz od 4 lat
Steam User 0
cały czas brakuje konkurencji , drugiego miasta na drugim końcu mapy które rozwija sie tak samo jak moje szybciej lub wolniej z którym można toczyć wojny
Steam User 0
Good, simple game. Don't buy it at full price tho.
Steam User 0
Ależ to było przygoda, piękna gra
Steam User 0
Relaxing and joyfull :)
Steam User 0
Steam User 0