Darksiders Genesis
From the dawn of creation, THE COUNCIL has maintained the Balance across existence. Carrying out their orders are THE HORSEMEN, Nephilim (powerful beings spawned from the unnatural union of angels and demons) who have pledged themselves to the Council and been granted immense power. However, this power came at a tragic cost: the Horsemen were ordered to use their newfound strength to wipe out the rest of their kind. What followed was a bloody battle on Eden where the Horsemen, obeying the will of the Council, annihilated the Nephilim. Still reeling from the events on Eden, WAR and STRIFE have been given a new assignment — LUCIFER, the enigmatic and deceptive demon king, has been plotting to upset the Balance by granting power to master demons throughout Hell. War and Strife must hunt down these masters, gather information, and ultimately fight their way through a tangled, demonic conspiracy that threatens to forever upset the Balance and unravel all of creation.
Steam User 25
it's fun until you have to jump on specific angle and a tight platform with a locked camera... whoever got that idea is a D*ck
Steam User 51
This Diablo like version of Darksiders is even more fun than the last 10 years diablo Games!
Blizzard should be embarrassed
Steam User 19
A cynical, low quality cashgrab that's nothing like the other games and sullies the Darksiders name - well, until you actually play it and it turns into honestly one of the better titles in the franchise.
Steam User 6
This is my 4th Darksiders game, with loving all the previous ones (yes, i completed and really liked Darksiders 3 too). True, this one is the odd one of them all, with a top-down isometric gameplay, but its no stranger to the over-time-top action the franchise is known for.
This game takes place before the prior 3 Darksiders storyline, where we meet the 4th and final horsemen, Strife. I totally love this character (after Death ofc), with his funny take on the world, joking while looking badass doing it.
I really loved his teaming with war, the grumpier of the 4, and their banters and relationships grow throughout the duration of the story. I really loved how they bonded over the journey and had each other's back.
Darksiders genesis was a great game to play, with the mechanic, though a bit different, made me feel go back to the old franchise gameplay-loop of sheer fun and hack-and-slash havoc.
Steam User 4
Recommended but with caveats. It's buggy, including some progression bugs that lost us an hour+ of gameplay. Also the platforming is janky and bad, but hey, it's more Darksiders and playing in co-op makes the bad parts more tolerable.
Steam User 5
This was the first game in the series I played and it got me interested to try out the whole trilogy next! I played the whole campaign in co-op mode and I played with War through out the whole campaign and the game is an overall 6.5-7/10
The pros:
- Story seemed interesting and a good set up for Darksiders 1
- The combat is fun as hell and very satisfying
- Arena mode is a very good addition that compliments the best parts of the game
- The puzzles although some simple were mostly fun to engage with.
- Progression system is fun and an interesting take, especially for war and all his different sword abilities.
The cons:
- The traversal is awful due to the top down camera, when doing climbing/platforming puzzles it felt like playing a PS2 game.
- Trackback game design choices: There is a lot of elements in the levels towards the beginning of the game that are locked behind mechanics that you unlock later in the game, causing you have to replay levels you've already beat to get this upgrades/collectibles. This would work great if the whole game was open world but on a level based game it felt awful and very infuriating.
- The core system felt like it had no impact on how I played my character, the cores although an important part of the progression system, I just haphazardly put cores in slots that had the most benefit towards my overall power without noticing too much difference in the combat itself.
- Buying combos from Dis (merchant you unlock around the first third of the game) felt very unnecessary for War (again this is the character I play all of the story with), I just bought everything and button mashed my way through the game.
- There was dissonance between the characters where almost all characters are very serious and broody and very much felt in place for the world they are portrayed in except for Strife, which is weird since he is one of the playable characters. For most of the game he felt very out of place, like a wanna be Deadpool character with "funny" one liners through out the whole campaign except for some sections where he gets serious and seems to fall in line with the other characters. This can be very hit or miss with players (was a humongous miss with me), because it felt like the lines for the characters were written by 2 different writers (or 2 different teams of writers) where one tried to push the character towards more a comic relief, quick witted, one liner character and the other team tried to make him feel like more part of the world he is in more broody serious.
All in all it was a fun experience but without having the context of the other 3 games in the franchise (although I know the general gameplay of them) this was a different take on the franchise with a new camera angle (although it was very clunky for traversal sections of the game) and more of a Diablo like feel rather than DS, but it was more of a fun Co-op game rather than a fun DS game.
Steam User 6
Review :
Darksiders genesis is one of the best action/hack and slash game, the unique graphics style, the character was amazing especially strife, the boss fight is also great and lot enemy variety. Darksiders Genesis is one the best game from the darksiders series.
Score :
-Story: 9/10
-Character: 10/10
-Multiplayer: -/10 (Not played yet on co-op)
-Gameplay: 9/10
-Music: 9/10
-Graphics: 9/10
-Optimization: 10/10
Extra Information :
-Difficulty: Not that hard but kinda challenging (Medium)
-Game Time: So so (14+ hours)
(Worth buying now, or just wait for for sale) ... XD