Dangerous Driving

  • Dangerous Driving Screenshot 1

Dangerous Driving is a game about real driving. The sort of driving you want to do when no one else is looking. The sort of driving you’d love to do if only everyone else would get OUT OF THE DAMN WAY!

This game gives you the chance to live out that fantasy. To floor it in everyday cars, at high speeds, weaving in and out of traffic and slamming the other cars right off the road.

Takedown your opponent in the adrenaline fuelled Takedown Races, chain your way to perfection in the Heatwave, or rule every road in Road Rage.

Switch on your Sirens and apprehend Wanted Suspects in Pursuit Mode, or be the last car standing in Eliminator.

Players race against remorseless AI drivers in 9 different event types unlocking 26 new deadly cars each with their own special characteristics as they progress.

Take the fight online against 5 other players.

There is only one way to drive – Dangerously.

There is only one way to win – Takedown anything that tries to get between you and the finish line.

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