Cycle Chaser H-5
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Mysterious aliens have occupied a scorched Earth.
A lone pilot seizes the skies.
What is it they’re after?
Cycle Chaser H-5 is a horizontal arcade-style shoot-em-up. Burn through waves of impenetrable foes with a sleek arsenal of weapons. Defeat foes to harvest their energy, then activate the powerful ‘Super Tatsujin’ system for maximum power and defense!
- Stylish hand-drawn and vector-rendered 2D graphics
- Grungy FM soundtrack, produced in YM2612
- 3 Weapon styles w/ 3 Attack types each: Specialize in your favorite, or go hybrid
- Accessible for all experience levels with Free Run mode
- Track your scores and discover the truth behind your foes in My Chronicle mode
Steam User 0
Makes good use of the 16:9 aspect ratio. Weapon choices are reminiscent of Thunder Force games, streamlined with no powerloss. Enemy designs and bullet patterns are visually striking. Difficulty is mostly reading-based. Features a consistent aesthetic in all aspects from beginning to end. Well-made, no complaints.
Steam User 1
Man, Cycle Chaser is such an awesome SHMUP, there's so much good things I can say about. The use of colors and graphics feels really great to look at, both the style of the enemies and the color language for the bullets pop really well!
The music is really stellar, very reminiscent of oldschool Megadrive era of gaming. As far as difficulty goes, this might be more on the easy side, but don't get fooled, the bullet patterns are very creative and can easily blindside you. I've gotten to the last stage a few times and I feel like with enough practice, I could beat it on the Advanced Difficulty.
All in all, seeing a solo dev create such a great title is very inspiring. My one and only minor complaint is the walls blending in with the background during the gravity based boss while the screen is dark blue, but it's nothing that ruins my feel on this game.
Highly recommended!