Cube World
Cube World is a voxel-based action RPG with a focus on exploration. It takes place in a procedurally generated fantasy world made up entirely of cubes. Choose between four different classes: Warrior, Ranger, Mage, Rogue. Action-based combat with dodging, aiming, combos, special skills and more. Explore a nearly infinite, procedurally generated fantasy world. Craft weapons, armor, potions, elixirs and food and more from ingredients found throughout the world. Tame pets that fight along your side and can be used as mounts. Non-linear, open world gameplay. Solve quests, help residents, fight huge monsters, explore ancient dungeons! It's all up to you! Discover procedurally generated lore and learn about ancient civilizations and magic artifacts.
Steam User 10
This game is a pretty decent game. The game definitely took a wrong turn whilst in development and it shouldve stayed more closer to the alpha. The game is probably not worth 20 dollars but its still an extremely fun game if you have the dedication to play it. There are some huge flaws with the game that cause people to not buy it. 1. All players are on the same server with different regions and biomes, the problem with this is that players can spawn in a biome with insanely strong enemies and be very stuck. 2. All your equipment and gear downgrades to practically shit once you leave the region it was found in. 3. the leveling system is terrible consisting of collecting "artifacts" which barely increase any of your stats such as +3% climbing speed. Now for the upsides. 1. The graphics are amazing and the art and design is great. 2. the gear system i personally think is more improved than the alpha version as now its a star system instead of +1 2 3 etc. 3. Your given a wide verity of weapons to chose from 3 for each class each with its own attack speed, right click attack, and some of them you can dual wield. In short, Cube World steam version had almost achieved a perfect game but it strayed too far from the alpha, if you have a spare 20 dollars spare and looking for a grindy game, this is the game for you. (or if you want free just search up on google for alpha)
Steam User 17
I played this game in the Alpha version a pretty long tome ago, so I have nostalgic memories of Cube World. I played it recently and bought the steam version and here's what I have to say about Cube World in general:
I truly believe this game likely would have been a titan in the "block game" category if the creator didn't take a hard left turn when updating it past alpha to put on steam. Alpha world generation is peak world generation, the game was simple and had an addictive gameplay loop. Improving skill trees, adding human companions, improving village generation (or making a quest based generation) could have been implemented to make the game perfect.
Cube World Steam Version changes the main gameplay loop entirely. crafting materials are rarer and loot drops are better, and there is no level restriction on equipment. The new gameplay loop is kill bosses, loot better gear, kill more bosses. The objective of Steam Version is to collect "Artifacts" around the biomes which give random improvements to abilities. Leaving a biome removes all the items collected and "resets" your character. This is a literal gameplay "Loop." Once you complete the first area, you have to do the exact same thing again from the bottom. Dying in steam version also sucks. Even with gear equal to the boss, you are still extremely likely to die if you don't cheese the boss. respawn areas are 1-3 entire minutes away from boss locations, so you are stuck holding W and maybe scrolling on your phone for 3 minutes just to die immediately and do it again. This is where I stopped playing Steam Version, fighting the highest level enemy with the highest level equipment and losing multiple times.
The alpha version is a craft/loot combination exploration game. You start out extremely weak, dying to every wild animal. Finding crafting materials and fighting the few enemies you can defeat lets you get better armor and use the very limited skill tree. Killing the bosses scattered around the map provides you with special crafting materials for weapons and a bunch of exp. As you level up, you can craft better gear and equip better gear. That is the gameplay loop of alpha Cube World. Craft and equip gear to kill difficult bosses, level up, craft more gear and fight more bosses. The distance between bosses in alpha is still obscene, but there are respawn points 15 seconds away from every boss, and the areas in between are filled out better with ore, crafting materials, and radiant bosses.
I really wish this game was moddable. Sadly, it seems that the developer made a lot of the code and programs very unfriendly to modders. The 4-5 mods for this game are not true scripted mods, but are instead mods that change 1 or 2 numbers of a variable.
Heres how I suggest enjoying cube world:
1. Buy the steam version and play it for a few hours. Don't hurt the developer because you don't like how they manage their game, they still deserve support for creating the game you are playing.
2. Look for the alpha version download online. Download that version and play it for a few hours as well. The game is very hard in the start because everything can kill you, so don't get discouraged right off the bat. There is little skill mechanics in the game, enemies auto lock attacks, have super far reach and attack faster than you can dodge. You are required to get better equipment to defeat enemies.
Steam User 82
7/10 Pretty fun game. The alpha version has much better pvp though, and a very very small community of friendly people.
Steam User 13
Now i do understand why people dislike this game, but after playing it myself, and only for myself, i highly enjoyed it, its a nice break from the standard games you'll see on most platforms, its just a shame this counts as the "release" build, and from what I've read on the internet i have noticed there is a Cube World Omega and if that's at all true i do hope the developers do improve on this product and from what i'm also aware of there was a modding scene on this game, i hope those mod creators and such come back to this game and really show the world the potential of this game.
Things i dislike, Region locks on certain gear that may be unobtainable due to generation, at least add it to the store or have it as a crafting recipe such as boats, gliders and things to that effect and maybe make legendary armour blue or green ranked in the other regions so when someone has spent a while doing one specific area they don't feel cheated from all their hard-work, i also dislike the fact there's no journal to task Sub-quest or make goals such as an NPC saying "I want a Bird Pet" and you can go out of your way to then give it to them for a reward of some kind, i don't know if its already in the game currently as my example, but if it isn't i personally feel like it'll give the game more life and personality, and from what I've watched i hate the fact there's no more large city generation nor criminals you can encounter, such as bandits or thieves in said cities, i also dislike the repetitiveness of the NPC'S, id like for example, the saving quest to be a random race but for it to make sense, so one person you save will be a Blacksmith and make Armour and increase the quality of every store in each region and a weapon-smith to make weapons and increase the quality of every store, and maybe make a library so Mages can learn a subclass like "thunder" and "gravity" and "necromancy" and make an NPC you save to make those classes obtainable through saving them, i also hate it how the diving event consumes gold, it doesn't make any form of sense, just make an oxygen meter for the living races and for the undead and such make it use mana and make it if you add any water-breathing races that they can swim for as long as they want possibly add water breathing items into the shop or as a gear, maybe enchanted hood or such, or potions that you can consume and the bombs from what i have used do nothing, i also dislike it how even if i spawn right next to them they come back with full health at least make it so if i got below half health they stay on half until they kill me again if i did no damage again or if i die in a stupid or moronic way
Things id like to see added, besides the few classes i mentioned i feel like a "bard" class like in D&D would be nice to see, maybe make a spear class (maybe off the warrior that you can obtain off an NPC you save maybe?) and maybe make a Bestiary for when you defeat (or die to) a monster, otherwise this game is a gem and i do hope Mod developers come back to really work this game out, encase the current developer is unable or not willing to continue this game or possible franchise
Things i enjoy: i enjoy the combat, as basic at it might be you can do a lot and get away with even more, for example i'm a mage and i can quite literally cast fire missile and knock about all of my enemies out giving me a chance to run away, get to a higher ground to knock them out again to finish them off, i love the dungeons/crypts though they could do with the bosses of the dungeons/crypts having less health than 21k and like 33k health but still make it difficult in 10k or 15k, the 21 and 33 mark make it to grindy and repeating at least for me and i love the map size, absolutely huge so i have no complaints other than the region locks.
Steam User 16
I've followed this game for years, my first experience with it was watching Paul Soares Jr playing the alpha version on youtube. I love the blockiness, the large open world, the pet collecting and the gear leveling. I know Wollay has big plans and I expectantly wait for his update. But it's a unique game that is fun solo or with friends. Definitely better with friends as this game comes with a bit of a challenge. For a game made by one person it's very well done.
Steam User 2
I wanted to get a similar experience to alpha with 2 friend because the content it has is way to repetitive so we installed mods and i had to play half of the first region without weapons because of leveling 100/10
Steam User 6
This game's world always captivates me. Had fun memories. The only bad side is limitation to exploration (you have to start from scratch every new area you go) and immense cpu usage. I wish this game had more updates.