Crush Depth
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About the GameDev on Crush Depth has been temporarily paused. Please check back later for more updates.
We are making Crush Depth available for purchase for your support and feedback. We fully welcome your input, criticisms, questions, experiences, suggestions, and anything else you would like to share with us. Only by getting you, our supporters, involved in the process of shaping this project, can we get to where we want to be. We hope you will accept that invitation and support us by purchasing a copy.
All of the features listed below are what we aspire to, not what is available at this time.
This is not fun
War isn’t fun, and we’re not going to sugarcoat the realities of history. Out of the 1,156 U-Boats which were commissioned, 765 never returned to port. Out of around 40,000 men that served in the U-Boat arm, 30,000 of them never returned to port (with some sources even citing higher losses of life).
On the allied side, no fewer than 2,603 merchant vessels were lost to German submarines, at the gruesome cost of no fewer than another 30,000 who lost their life at sea. Our goal is to offer an honest glimpse into the brutality of the Atlantic campaign.
Unparalleled realism
To recreate the most realistic U-Boat simulation ever conceived of, we have set up collaborations with numerous archives worldwide to obtain the original blueprints used in the construction of the Type VII-C U-Boat. During the early part of development, we were also advised by Mr. Friedrich Grade, chief-engineer on U-96 and U-183. Unfortunately, Mr. Grade passed away on October 13, 2023.
We are rebuilding the Type VII-C U-Boat to a level of fidelity that has never been seen before. We are giving the countless other ships and planes you will encounter a similar treatment. All of the units you will encounter in this project are one-to-one translations of the original blueprints and building regulations, built with the utmost attention to detail. To make it function realistically as well, we are developing a level of physics simulation that takes into account things such as hydrostatic pressure, viscous resistance, electrical conductivity, propagation of sound through different mediums, salinity, temperature, Boyle’s law, and many, and many more factors. Another fine example there: our world is not flat, but a proper oblate spheroid, with full bathymetry and height data, accurate to 15 arc-seconds.
Your actions and decisions will matter. Your engine failure will not be the result of some randomizing algorithm deciding it is time to do so. Your torpedoes missing their target will not be the result of some chance generator determining you have hit enough already. Everything you will see happening will be the result of stone-cold physics. We will be able to create a level of realism that has never been seen before in any other submarine simulator.
…but don’t get us wrong either. We are not deliberately trying to scare people away by making something so complicated that you will need to get a Ph.D. in submarining first just to enjoy Crush Depth. You will find interactive tutorials that will teach you everything you need to know: from complex interactions between the engine management, ballast system, and rudder controls needed to dive the boat properly, to how to decode and encode radio traffic with the enigma machine, to making a tasty Eintopf for your crewmates.
Apart from that, you will be able to customize your experience to suit just how complicated you want things to be. If you are not particularly interested in performing the ten-odd steps one would have to perform to turn on a compressor, you won’t have to. A click of a button will allow you to simplify that process to a single step. Even further, you can forego having to do that at all, by letting the intelligent AI take control of whatever task you have in mind.
The World of Crush Depth
Crush Depth will offer you a variety of settings. Our main focus for the further development of this project is creating a persistent MMO-environment, set in and around the U-Boat base of Lorient, France. From there, you and your crew members will depart for the Atlantic and other parts of the world. Apart from the patrols themselves, the project will also spend a great deal of attention on life onshore, from repairing and restocking your boat, preparing and planning for your next departure, coordinating radio traffic with those currently at sea, to having a drink or two (or three, or four, or five) with your fellow sailors in the local bar.
Apart from all the valves, dials, and other machinery, you will be able to interact with, other items you find onboard or bring on your person will be fully interactive as well. This will allow you to engage in dozens of other activities, such as playing a game of chess or skat with your crewmates, having a cup of coffee, or trying to nick your captain’s pair of binoculars (The latter is probably ill-advised, but we feel we shouldn’t ignore the lighter side of life on board either).
Your own player character will also be fully customizable to your own liking, offering a wide range of options in terms of physique, clothing, accessories, and the like. Over the course of your career, you will indeed be able to obtain medals and other insignia to display your skill and achievements to the many other people we hope to welcome to this project.
The worldwide, persistent MMO-setting is however not the only game mode we will roll-out. Other options will include historical encounters, where you will be put in the exact same time and spot as some of the real skippers were. Customizable encounters, where you can decide for yourself what kind of ships you wish to encounter, where, when, and under which conditions. Interactive training missions, that will allow you to dot the i’s and cross the t’s before you decide it’s time to get in the thick of it. All of these modes are fully networked as well, ready for you to have at alone, or with a group of friends.
Even more, if you would rather play on the allied side, why not? This is something we hope to expand on in later versions of the project, but a playable Elco PT-Boat (and perhaps some other units as well), will be included in a first release.
Support our project!
Your contributions make a big difference to our project. Building a complex and historically accurate representation of the Battle of the Atlantic is a very significant investment. We have opened up the project at this incredibly early point in the project to allow those who see the value in what we are trying to achieve to help us financially by purchasing a copy.
We have thought about fundraising through Kickstarter, but the realities of working in an incredible niche genre means support is built over a long period of time after trust is built with the community. We are fully committed to bringing this project to life and post constant updates to our Discord. We hope to see you there as well.
Thank you all for your consideration and support!
Steam User 19
This appears to be the first genuine attempt to properly simulate the true workings of a German U-boat of WW2. This is not based on an impression but on actual blue prints and meticulous research carried out by a dedicated and knowledgeable team of enthusiasts. On entering the main menu screen I chose the Museum as my first port of call. It was here that it struck me that this could become something special. I had expected to find simple pictures and short scripts of information on the subject, instead I found a working engine and equipment modelled with painstaking detail. Whole videos were displayed on the museum walls just as you might expect in a true maritime museum. There was even a video on the games development showing that the developers of this simulator really wish to keep you involved with their progress. That was when I felt my money was well spent in helping this project to continue. Enthused by my Museum experience I went on to try out the Sandbox menu option. It is clear that the player is limited in what can be done as this is a simulation which is very much in its infancy. You should not expect anything close to a fully functioning title at this stage which the developers have made very clear. Even so, what I was able to do I found extremely satisfying. The interior of the U-boat is incredible. So many dials, switches and wheels to turn. This is an attempt at making as much of what you can see actually functional. Its not all just for show, most of what you see will eventually serve a purpose and its that thought which makes this project so exciting. Even discovering the radio was a joy, having to turn it on correctly, find channels and tune it felt rewarding. Which brings me to a subject I feel can make or break the submarine genre 'Sound quality'. If there were ever a subject that needs to fill you with immersion its capturing the feeling of being on or under the ocean. Add to that the sounds and feelings of being on board a U-boat during war time and it should feel intense. So far the sound quality in this simulation is wonderful. The engines rumble and roar at full speed, the doors shut and open with a weighty clunk. There's an ambience when under water which you don't just hear but you feel.
So to conclude, I sincerely hope that this title and its developers receive all the backing they can get. This is an ambitious project and an opportunity to see what we would all wish for in a submarine simulation become a reality. No doubt it may take time to complete and there may be hiccups along the way. But if the vision of these developers can be achieved its something well worth investing in.
Good Luck Devs and Thank you
Steam User 20
Deutsches Review -> weiter unten :)
First impressions
The things done so far and the effort until now are really impressive. This might become the most detailed technical subsim of all times. Sadly there are some "buts". You shouldnt forget, "playable" is nothing. Its not a game, its a tech demo. And even the usable parts in the tech demo are only at around 30% finished currently. You have seen (in the very well made museum) and tried everything usable in the boat quite fast. So, the fun is more or less just in the first moments, when you are totally impressed by the functional devices. Awesome work. But this doesnt last long. All this, combined with a kind of promise for a full game maybe at some point in the future, at a price of AAA (50 bucks) is hard to explain. I was lucky and got this game as a gift :) And yes, i know about all the progress, which is not really visible. This is considered in this review :)
The TechDemo is quite neat and a unique experience. I see the value under the surface of this unfinished thing. Using a Diesel or the electric engines like the real ones is something you would never expect to be possible until this game showed up. Also the museum is very nicely done. If the devs keep this up, this might be the coolest technical simulation of a german type VII boat that you have seen. But its not much fun at the moment - its more about supporting the development.
As a sidenote, why i was unsure how to rate this product. I was contacted by the devs to participate in the development. And what followed then was a bit strange ;)
So anyway, i was not sure if i should recommend it. But i want to show my support. Thumbs up. I hope you keep the effort, the communication and the visible progress at that level ;) great work so far!
What do you think about the Demo and the upcoming game?
Erster Eindruck
Schwierig, was soll man sagen. Ich bin etwas hin- und her gerissen. Erstmal das Positive: Es ist schon beeindruckend, was man bisher so sieht! Die technische Detailtiefe (die Diesel und E-Motoren sind 1:1 simuliert und funktionsfähig!) und die Qualität der 3D-Modelle ist herausragend, das hat es noch nicht gegeben. Wirklich einmalige Arbeit! Das muss man tatsächlich mal erlebt haben. Man kommt allerdings doch recht schnell zum Unschönen. Irgendwie ist plötzlich alles gesehen, gerade als es anfängt Spaß zu machen. Die TechDemo ist nicht so umfangreich, wie man es vielleicht erwartet. Man hat schnell alles ausprobiert. Momentan ist selbst die Demo gefühlt nicht mal zur Hälfte fertig. Und es ist weit davon entfernt, ein Spiel zu sein. Zudem bewerte ich hier nicht die Grafik oder Ähnliches. Doch dafür und das Versprechen, dass man irgendwann vielleicht ein fertiges und zugegeben, einzigartiges Produkt bekommt, sind 50 Euro doch schon ziemlich happig. Aber ich habe es als Geschenk bekommen. Auch deswegen hebe ich den Daumen. Aber auch, um meinen Support zu zeigen. Sowas hat noch niemand versucht.
Wäre wirklich toll, wenn es klappt :) Was denkt ihr über die Demo/das Spiel??
Steam User 97
This has the potential to be the most Realistic SubSim Ever produced with Blueprint level of Simulation, the like of which have never before seen.
Accurately manage electrical systems and Diesel engines in real-time with a stunning level of accuracy throughout.
My FIRST Hour Experience
Video Transcript
OK, I discovered this title today 11th Feb 2020 & I have never heard about it before hand & knew absolutely nothing.
What I have learnt is that this is a hardcore Submarine Simulation in VERY Early Access....and I will now explain exactly what that means if you buy access today (11th Feb 2020); you will be investing in the development of this project and must understand that this is nowhere near ready to play....yet.
FIRST 10mins was Really bad. Nothing would load (had some kind of authentication failure with the server) I tried to create a character which just got me stuck and there were some very odd clothing options to say the very least. In short it was not going well & I really thought this was some kind of ploy, scam fake game (spoiler alert: It is none of these things).
FIRST 20mins I hard closed the game multiple times, tried to load museum & sandbox...nothing was working & I was already formulating a poor review perspective in my head, then (for whatever reason) after 3/4 reload attempts the bottom left Authentication error change and things appeared to be working so I opened the sandbox option & got a Disconnect error (something about client failed to bootstrap). So I hard reloaded the game again 5th time and tried again, this time the loading screen stayed present for I hard reloaded probably for the last time....
FIRST 30minsFINALLY something loaded. I was clearly on top of a sub. It immediately reminded me of Silent Hunter and I could see that there were many placeholders and detail, whilst present was indeed limited. I opened the hatch and climbed down (again reminiscent of SH).
The control room was inaccessible but I could see some depth and steering mechanisms, I proceeded towards the rear of the ship and the first thing that impressed me was the audio as i opened each hatch...a very nice immersive detail.
I continued through the sleeping quarters, the galley, the diesel engine rooms and into the electric and rear torpedo areas. I was mildly impressed, I could see some potential in the modelling etc.. but I wasn’t really feeling like my £36 was at this point a good investment choice, however I cannot review what I don’t understand so I continued investigating the ship and its contents some more.
I found many interactive elements, from pressure gauges, dials & levers and it quickly became apparent to me that this was incredibly accurate, like blueprints recreation accurate and I became considerably more intrigued. I proceeded to move away from the electric controls which I had no knowledge of and decided to investigate back towards the bow, first through to the engine room where I fiddled and tweaked a little bit then I continued on to discover more accurately recreated interactive elements like cupboards, lockers and even a john. The galley had some inactive water taps, labelled tap or drinking water. It was clear that whilst some physics elements were very real like closing a door whilst in the way would push you with it (I liked that) but you could interact with some of the lockers through the walls (obviously a work in progress). I was pretty impressed to see almost every single hidden storage location was interactive, & I hope one day to be able to put things in them.
I returned to the controls and attempted to dive, having not closed the hatch on the way in I was curious to see what would happen if I could dive, and we could dive. Not far, as we were stationed in a UBoat dock but enough for me to climb up and witness the submersion. Sadly water did not pour in, but I was impressed to discover that I could not only leave the boat but swim around…this is certainly something that potentially offers extreme levels of realism for the future. Sadly I could find no way to dive down back to the boat, or climb out to investigate what appeared to be a primitive Helicopter; so instead I opted to hard reset once again and loaded the museum and this is where things eventually got very interesting indeed.
1 Hour + The museum was actually quite interesting, I saw a floating sniper at first (that’s not important) there was quite a bit of information on the walls, models, videos and info about AA Deck guns … torpedoes and depth charges & even a full scale submarine to explore; although incomplete.
I wandered around looking at the Radio equipment & enigma machines and then finally whilst formulating a rather dismal yet hopeful review narrative in my head I stumbled across the diesel engine. It was the same as the one in the sub, but this time I managed to start it; somewhat by accident or luck.
I suddenly realised what this sim was, it’s a proper simulator, the real deal the type of simulator I have wanted to experience nearly my entire life..I quickly returned to the sub and attempted to recreate what I had just achieved, it took a while…all you need to do is increase the throttle and it will start, but I spent a good few minutes twiddling things, opening and closing this and that before I figured out how simple it was to start and then we were actually driving the sub…moving through the water out of the pen and into open sea.
For the first time I saw the subs outer shell and then I spotted a ship. An enemy ship, I thought I could try and sink it but I couldn’t remember how to fire the torpedo (there was a button) so I started button mashing and threw my guts up all of the tower, immediately the john made more sense. I started opening controls I didn’t know existed and spawned other ships in, then I started tweaking the weather & FISHING North Atlantic THIS is how you do waves and bad weather….OK so at this point the FPS had sprung a leak and attempted to plug it with a live hand grenade which immediately went off and dropped the FPS so low I couldn’t turn my view…but it didn’t matter at all because the audio was totally immersive, the waves were actually scary as hell and I felt like I was at war…then I stumbled across the manual steering controls and started to dive leaving me floating on the surface of the ocean in a storm and accepting my inevitable fate…I’ve just invested £36 pounds in the most amazing Submarine Simulator and I sure as hell wont be requesting a refund…this has to be made, this has to have solid FPS and I have to be a part of this development somehow.
I am totally hooked. Scared that this might never reach its full potential, but at the same time I feel responsible to try and make it happen. If you are a hardcore sim fan & have the available funds there really is every reason to try and get behind this development….it is the best simulation experience I have ever had….oh and the torpedoes work too; but I couldn't figure out how??
Steam User 22
Crush Depth is an extremely in-depth simulator, with a lot of promise. Think DCS World, but for WW2 German Submarines. It's well done, with great graphics, and great performance given the level of simulation. That being said, this is an extremely early release, and is nowhere near complete.
Steam User 14
I just wanted to take a minute and tell you my thoughts on the game so far. I just had the chance to check out the museum and it was by far the most mindblowing video game expieriance I have ever seen. The attention to detail is quite frankly astounding! Especially for part time developers such as yourselves. I love how you are taking your time and making sure you do things right before moving on to the next system. The fact that you guys are paying such close attention to small subsystems such as the Enigma machine is mind blowing to me as they are so advanced and I would assume equally hard to code. Especially since they are not core game components. I love the fact that you guys are keeping the community up to date on all you do as well. Most developers just treat the community as a source of money and only change something when the whole community has to lash out. Not these guys they are constantly talking with individual players about their concerns and ideas. (in the Discord) I think my favourite part of the whole museum was the books/research section. The amount of resources collected by you guys and the community took me aback as I know from experiance they are not easy to find. This however while amazing brings me to one of my biggest concerns for the game. The fact that this game is so complex definetly is a force to reckon with against new players. Most of which whom are not engineers or historians. These jobs took months of training just to learn one position and the fact that you guys are implementing a 1 to 1 scale model into the game concerns me that players will not want to read through multiple manuals just to learn one position or system on the ship. The use of active engagement tutorials is certainly a way to remedy this however! The game in it's current state is in no position to be considered a playable state. It is essentially just a place for the devs to show their progress in making the game. Please keep up all your hard work! This game is the first of it's kind and is opening the door to hyper realistic simulation. I would rate 10/10 this is definetly the most educated development community I have ever seen in any video game. If you want to learn a ton about the German side of ww2 and have fun doing it this game is for you.
Steam User 15
Still in a early state as advertised but already pretty cool. Has me sitting on the edge of my seat for new updates :)
Steam User 12
I sincerely hope this comes together. It has the potential now to be the finest Type 7 simulation. The current engine room is excellent and I do believe they even have the firing order correct on the diesel!! Attention to detail like that gives big hope for a one of a kind simulation!! Really Hopeful!!