Croc’s World 2
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‘Croc´s World 2’ is a really nice jump’n’run with 60 incredible levels and many challenging enemies!
It features:
+ 60 incredible levels (4 for free, others as in-app-purchase)
+ Nice graphics
+ 4 different themes
+ many challenging enemies
+ 4 evil endbosses
Jump and run through the levels and dodge all enemies.
Collect a helmet to crush stoneblocks.
Collect the stonebag to throw stones.
Collect the special stonebag to throw auto-homing stones!
Collect special items like ‘Fast shoes’ (run faster), ‘Firehelmet’ (walk through fire) or ‘Shield’ (Invincible for 10 seconds)!
If you collect 100 diamonds you´ll get an extra life!
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