Costa’s Classic Cosmic Pizzas
Costa’s Classic Cosmic Pizzas is a wacky 2D platformer about delivering pizza in space and saving the galaxy. Journey throughout the Omnicluster Space Station to deliver within the time guarantee and on limited oxygen supply.
Jump, pick up objects, avoid traps and enemies. Navigate complex levels YOUR way.
Use the environment to your advantage, interact with objects.
Follow along as the story of galactic proportions unfolds in all of its glory. Start as an unassuming pizza delivery person whose only life ambition is to get their minimum wage, but as events unfold, you are hurled into a high stakes game of intrigue, espionage, political power play and a plot to subvert the entire galaxy to a single will.
Do you have what it takes to save the galaxy?… Oh, OF COURSE you do! This is a video game and you are the protagonist! But it’s the journey that matters. Come along for a spin!
Every element of the game, from visuals to dialogue, has been carefully created to make you laugh, or cringe (whichever is more convenient at the time).
Steam User 3
I really like the voice acting in this game, especially that one British sounding guard later on in the game. You can absolutely feel his raw, unadulterated power as he arrests you for possession and for having the wrong helmet colour compared to his own.
My only criticism is the pizza store owner guy doesn't even hit you with a wooden spoon when you mess up the delivery.
10/10 tendies.
Steam User 3
TL;DR version: This is a good but not great game, with an engaging and humourous story, along with intriguing game mechanics I've never seen before. Made in Australia!
I've always had a soft spot for Australian-made games. That's in spite of me not being as patriotic as other Aussies around me, but don't get me wrong, I still love my country. I honestly wish there were more Aussie developers out there - they're quite difficult to find. As it happened though, one ended up finding me, and introduced me to Costa's Classic Cosmic Pizzas.
Costa's Classic Cosmic Pizzas is a bit of a quirky platformer which at first glance looks more like an old flash game. One might then be forgiven for thinking then that the collision detection and physics are pretty crap. The collision detection works just fine though, even if the physics are a bit squirrely. But that seems to be the main point of the game - as well as including Aussie humour and a few bogan characters into the mix, it also very cleverly satirises other games, particularly other platformers.
The main premise of the game is that you are a spaceman on a large space station/city, employed by a bogan named Costa, who charges you with delivering pizza to various customers in the city. As the game progresses, you'll find yourself getting tangentally involved with a space war which initially starts off as a Star Wars spinoff, but just when you start thinking that's been done a million times already, don't worry, you're right, and it has been. But it also quickly and humourously dissolves into chaos and frustration between the main characters in the conflict, among themselves as well as their enemies. And all the while you're sitting back and eating pizza-flavoured popcorn as the galaxy shits itself.
One thing I found unique about the gameplay is that it has TWO time limits - one of them is your air meter, which is constantly ticking down (but does freeze in some situations), and the other is the pizza timer, which counts down only while you're carrying a pizza. Both timers can be extended in various ways, and if either timer runs out, then it's game over. As well as delivering pizzas, you're also given chances to explore the city around you, collecting various tokens to expand your riches insignificantly, getting side quests, trying to wrap your head around the ever-changing map, and of course the occasional easter-egg. The game may look basic, but it's actually great fun.
Of course, I do have quibbles. The voice acting can get annoying to listen to at times, particularly Costa's overtly aggressive hazing of your lack of skill during the tutorial, but that's small potatoes in the long run. Anyone who's played Undertale will understand this, as when you play for a bit longer, you realise that it's just the general shape of the game's humour, which if you haven't yet gauged it, it just comes off as mocking. There's also the fact that the game's physics are wonky as I mentioned earlier - some platforms can be tricky to reach if you're not standing in just the right spot to land on them, and that can make meeting time guarantees difficult. Then there's the platforming nature of the game and the constant changes that the map experiences, making finding your way difficult. There is a compass that points you to your objective, and even arrow signs here and there to help you around, but it's still very easy to make a wrong turn and get lost. And some of the branching paths can be quite long, so you could go a long way down only to realise you went the wrong way and then suddenly you don't have enough time to make your delivery guarantee. Then again, this is also one of those games in which you die a lot, and you can restart between deliveries quite easy. However, that's too easy sometimes - the menu interface doesn't actually ask you if you want to quit or restart the level or not, so with a few misinputs on your controller or keyboard, you could find yourself starting a long level from the very beginning accidentally.
I'd be lying if I said this game was a masterpiece. However, it's quite a good game and it actually did get quite a few hilarious laughs out of me as well - no small feat these days. Yes, the game seems slow and repetitive at first, but hang tight and it won't take long for things to kick off and get interesting for you, despite the dead-end job you work in.
Steam User 1
Great game! Lots of fun, but I'm still hungry to look at all those pizzas
Steam User 1
A 2D space pizza delivery platformer with interesting mechanics, quirky humour filled with pop culture references and at times satire, you could see that the guys working on it did care for what they are doing. When compared with other platformers on the market, this is by far not the greatest one, however for its price tag it is worth a try if not for the gameplay, but for reading the writings on the walls in this game (yes, there are jokes there and some political ones as well).
Gameplaywise this is a 2D puzzle platformer (with less puzzles and more jumping) with a unique twist, you have two timers to care about – pizza delivery timer and oxygen levels. Oh, you can also wear a unicorn helmet and mutate your lungs to have that extra oxygen.
A special kudos for the game being called CCCP, which when read in Cyrillic actually means USSR. The pizza place owner
does actually have a resemblance with comrade Stalin. Voice acting is Aussie-as mate and cracked me up in few places. The game however is not without glitches associated with controls and occasionally getting stuck on misaligned grids as the game sees that micro-millimetre as a wall that you need to jump over.
In summary One Grumpy Russian Score 6/10 - CCCP is 2D, rough on the edges and a bit unique, just like the good old USSR.
For more reviews and recommendations follow me as a curator at One Grumpy Russian
Steam User 1
Brought to you by the guys who made Bubsy 3D.